Babies of unvaccinated individuals who contracted COVID-19 at higher risk of respiratory distress, suggests new research

Title: Study Finds Increased Risk of Respiratory Distress in Babies Born to Unvaccinated COVID-19 Patients

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, has shed light on the potential risks faced by babies born to unvaccinated individuals who contracted COVID-19. The findings of this study suggest that these infants may be more susceptible to respiratory distress. As these results hold significant implications for the health of newborns, experts are urging pregnant individuals to consider getting vaccinated against COVID-19.

Research Highlights:

The study, involving 221 pregnant individuals, revealed alarming results. Among the participants, 151 were unvaccinated when they contracted COVID-19, and all of them experienced severe or critical forms of the illness. In contrast, only 4% of the vaccinated pregnant individuals met the same criteria.

Outcomes and Analysis:

Researchers closely examined 199 babies who were born between April 2020 and August 2022. Remarkably, none of them tested positive for the virus. However, 28 fetuses experienced unfortunate outcomes such as miscarriages, abortions, fetal demise, or insufficient follow-up data.

Significance of COVID-19 Exposure in Utero:

The study underlined a concerning connection between COVID-19 exposure during pregnancy and subsequent respiratory distress in newborns. In particular, it was discovered that the airways of infants could experience an inflammatory response due to COVID-19 exposure, leading to respiratory distress.

Increased Risk in Unvaccinated Individuals:

The research found that babies born to unvaccinated individuals faced up to three times greater odds of developing respiratory distress compared to those born to vaccinated individuals. These findings provide strong evidence of the significance of vaccination for pregnant individuals.

Further Research Needed:

While the study underscores the potential risks, it also notes the need for further research. Future studies should investigate if COVID-19 continues to impact respiratory distress when accounting for other factors that can cause respiratory distress syndrome.

Recommendations for Pregnant Individuals:

In light of the study’s findings, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) currently advises all pregnant individuals to get vaccinated against COVID-19. The CDC emphasizes that previous studies have demonstrated no safety concerns for babies born to vaccinated individuals, making vaccination a crucial preventive measure.


The recent study conducted by University of California, Los Angeles researchers underscores the vulnerability of babies born to unvaccinated individuals who contracted COVID-19. As the risk of respiratory distress increases for such newborns, experts are urging pregnant individuals to consider the importance of vaccination as a protective measure. These findings further emphasize the critical role of vaccinations in combating the adverse effects of COVID-19 on maternal and infant health.

Word Count: 379 words

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