Phil Schwartz

"Food expert. Unapologetic bacon maven. Beer enthusiast. Pop cultureaholic. General travel scholar. Total internet buff."

Thinner computer model predicts 25% sea level rise

Thinner computer model predicts 25% sea level rise

The Indian island of Ghoramara is disappearing due to rising sea levels.Beeld Getty Images They made a model of sea level rise taking into account for the first time oceanic eddies: a kind of eddies with a diameter of tens of kilometers that keep the warming of sea water at a distance from the sea. ‘Antarctic. Utrecht researchers – doctoral …

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Governor Theo Bovens resigns: “Time for a new start” | 1Limburg

Governor Theo Bovens resigns: "Time for a new start" |  1Limburg

Like the provincial government, Governor Theo Bovens also resigns. He declared it to the Limburg Parliament. “I intend to make my post available and continue to act until a successor is appointed,” Bovens said in a statement. “It leaves room for a fresh start.” HitA motion of censure presented by the PVV was on the table against him, as against …

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Osse Council supports Maashorst’s departure | Oss eo advice

Osse Council supports Maashorst's departure |  Oss eo advice

With these words, Alderman Johan van der Schoot defended Thursday evening the own course that the municipality of Oss is now taking with regard to the large nature reserve on the border with Landerd, Uden and Bernheze. “Discussions about bison or fencing cycle paths are not on our side at all. I am happy to leave that to the other …

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LTO wants to remedy a space shortage in the Netherlands through refurbishment

LTO wants to remedy a space shortage in the Netherlands through refurbishment

LTO’s Tineke de Vries acknowledges that there is a land shortage in the Netherlands. But according to her, farmers also need more space to develop and to cultivate more nature and organic farming, as the European Union wishes. De Vries therefore believes that the possibilities of enlarging the Netherlands through land reclamation should be seriously explored, as in the past. …

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This is what your facial expression says about you

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“Your face says it all” is not just a simple statement. You can say a lot about your face. But did you know that the movements you make with your face say a lot about your personality? In From Nieuws BV An Gaiser and Herman Ilgen, managing partners of the Institute for Non-verbal Strategy Analysis, explain. You smile, you draw …

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