Yellen: “U.S. does not want to fully disengage from China”

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has completed a four-day visit to China. At a press conference on Sunday, he said his visit paved the way for better communication and cooperation between the two superpowers. The world is big enough for both our countries to flourish.

Why is this important?

Relations between China and the United States (US) have been strained for some time over, among other things, a Chinese spy balloon over North America. Yellen’s four-day trip to the Asian country was about to change that.

In the message: Yellen has just finished her visit to Beijing. He later emphasized that efforts are being made to improve relations between the two countries. “The U.S. does not want to withdraw from China completely,” he told a news conference, referring to restrictions the countries have imposed on each other, such as U.S. restrictions on exports of advanced chips to China. The country has increased its exports of metals critical to the production of chips

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