Virginia Deck football game with Virginia postponed September 19 due to corona virus

The school announced Saturday that the opening player of the Virginia Tech season against Virginia on Sept. 19 has been postponed due to “Govt-19 issues” at the Virginia Tech.

“After consultation with Atlantic Coast Conference officials, our comrades at the University of Virginia, the Head of Campus at Virginia Tech and Dr. Mark Rogers, Chief Medical Officer for Virginia Tech Athletics, the mutual decision was made to move the game of football between Virginia Tech and COV at the Virginia Lane Stadium at 19D at Verdia Lane Stadium. To date, “Virginia Tech said in a statement.

Virginia Tech said it would suspend football activities for another four days.

The Hockey are now scheduled to play their first game on September 26 against NC State; The game was previously postponed to September 12 due to an increase in corona virus cases in the volleyball athletics industry.

The Cavaliers’ first game will be played on Oct. 3 in Clemson.

“It is our priority to leave the physical and mental well – being of these young men and women in the care of their families,” Virginia Tech Athletics Director Wit Baback said in a statement. “While we share the disappointment of all those who hoped to start the football season against our state rival, we are confident that we can play the full ACC football schedule for the flexibility that the current format allows.”

Virginia Tech coach Justin Fuente noted the problems during a zoom call with reporters Wednesday, saying he did not think the Hockey should play this weekend.

“I don’t know if we can be honest with you,” Fonte said. “I don’t know if we did this. I saw that someone would ask me if we could play on this deal today, and I’m going to tell you I don’t know the answer to that.”

On its webpage, Virginia Tech announced on Friday that it had performed 219 positive tests for the corona virus in the previous seven days, bringing its total number of infections to 633 since the first test began in August. The number has risen steadily since students returned on August 24.

The school has not released athletic-specific results.

Virginia released its latest numbers for athletes and athletic staff on Saturday, saying it has carried out five positive tests since it was last updated on September 4th. Four of the five positives came from students who had recently returned to campus and the football program has not received any positive results from the July 24 report.

On Twitter, some Virginia coaches praised their players.

“It’s really that simple … you’re either committed to your team or you are not,” attack line coach Gareth Tujak tweeted. “There are things that can be sacrificed for each other, and then there are things that cannot be done. The biggest thing is … you have to choose it.”

Running back coach Mark Atuya noted the “tough sacrifices” of his players.

“My heart goes out to them because no one deserves it [discipline] My younger brothers have been exposed to the epidemic, “he tweeted.” My UVA young brothers are amazing !!! “

Andrea Adelson contributed to this report.

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