US trans student absent from graduation after demanding to wear boy’s clothes

Human rights organization ACLU appealed on behalf of the 17-year-old student and his parents, but a judge ruled in favor of the school board at the last minute. A spokesperson for the organization calls the statement “as disappointing as it is laughable”.

White dress

The girl graduated from Harrison Central High School in Gulfport, a city of more than 72,000 people. Boys must attend the graduation ceremony in white shirts and black pants, while girls must wear a white dress.

On previous occasions, the student could have worn dresses during her school days. But now, according to management’s decision, she had to appear with “pants, socks and shoes, like a boy”. The ACLU said in court that it is not acceptable that she still faces discrimination at her graduation ceremony.

“Our client is being disgraced and humiliated on discriminatory grounds,” a spokesperson for the human rights organization said. “Her family is being robbed of the unique opportunity to experience this milestone in their daughter’s life. No one should miss a graduation because of their gender.”

More and more restrictions

Trans teens in many US states are suffering from restrictions imposed by conservative politicians. This video shows how tens of thousands of minors no longer receive the care they need during their transition:

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