Two of the hardest corona virus locks in the world are easy — a little

MELBOURNE, Australia – Israel and an Australian government have said they will slowly begin to ease some of the world’s toughest locks, but these rules underscore the deep global divisions over the need to combat the Govt-19 epidemic.

The Australian state of Victoria, which includes Melbourne, said on Sunday it would ease some of its strict restrictions, which prevented people from leaving their homes, closing offices and retail outlets often after a daily outbreak of more than 700 from a peak of more than 700.

Israel said it would begin Ease deeply unpopular controls After reducing the new daily cases from more than 8,000 to over 1,500.

Beginning Monday, Melbourne’s five million residents will be able to travel up to 15 miles from home, eliminating the two-hour time limit for exercising outdoors. By November 1, retail and hospitality outlets, including restaurants, cafes and hair salons, will reopen at restricted capacity.

Starting Sunday, Israelis will be allowed to travel more than a kilometer from their homes, and smaller meetings will be allowed, with 10 inside and 20 closed. Preschools and day care centers will be reopened, restaurants will be allowed to pick up, businesses that did not receive customers will be reopened and people will be allowed to visit beaches and parks.

However, the locks are tighter than anywhere else in the world, which underscores the different approaches that countries take to combat the virus.

There are leaders in the United States and Europe Often opposed to a return to wider locks Supports high-target measures in an effort to avoid economic damage and social displacement, as imposed in the spring. France has taken some very drastic measures Amid the resurgence of the virus in Europe, Last week it declared a state of emergency and said it would impose a curfew order.

Melbourne is Endured for over 100 days Under one of the world’s toughest locks, and many small business owners are already in a state of breakdown.

The Prime Minister of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, said the November 1 target could be set if the infection rates measured by the 14-day average daily cases dropped faster than expected. But he did not provide innovation for industries such as construction, manufacturing and meat processing, many of which are operating under capacity restrictions.

“These locks have come with pain and damage and injuries, but the strategy works,” Mr. Andrews said during a televised news conference on Sunday. “What this means is that the rest of the world is going through a deadly winter, and the locks and restrictions are mind-boggling,” Victoria said, adding that “now can create a coveted-normal 2021.

Mr. Andrews called for a direct comparison with the UK, which had similar epidemics when the daily number of cases in Victoria rose to 725 in August.

“Today, with Victoria registering two new cases, the UK has hit 16,171,” he said. “As we loosen our controls, they are forced to increase.”

Israel became the first developed country to impose a second lockout nationwide amid rising Govt-19 cases. As businesses are forced to close before major Jewish festivals, WSJ’s Dow Liber meets restaurant owners, worried they will never reopen. Photo: Aamir Cohen / Reuters

Faced with growing opposition to the lockout, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the country would be gradually reopened to prevent the virus from re-emerging after the previous lockout was quickly removed.

The country is facing a fierce war to contain the virus, said Ronnie Komsu, Israel’s corona virus jar. He said Israel must meet less than 1,000 cases a day and other epidemiological milestones before moving on to the next phase of the health ministry’s phased multi-month exit program. In the next stages, more children will return to school and gyms, and beauty salons and restaurants will reopen.

Melbourne’s restrictions came into effect this summer after the hotel violated segregation protocols, triggering a second wave of epidemics in the absence of the virus in other parts of Australia. Authorities initially attempted a series of blockade targets, but imposed hard locks when they failed to control the spread.

As a result of the eruption, Victoria now accounts for 816 of Australia’s 904 deaths and three – quarters of all cases, according to official figures.

Strict restrictions have reduced Melbourne’s epidemic rate, but they have routinely paralyzed a city as one of the most alive in the world. Business groups and political opponents have criticized the state’s response as unnecessarily harsh, with an unbalanced impact on the economy and social well-being.

“There is no reason to pursue restrictions on trade, especially case numbers, which are clearly downward,” said Jennifer Westcott, chief executive of the Australian Council of Trade. “When you don’t have a job, being allowed to go out for a haircut or a little more is not enough.”

As Victoria calculates a quarter of Australia’s GDP, restrictions are being imposed on the entire country’s economy. It is in recession for the first time in almost 30 years.

As a result of the lockout, the Australian rules will be played for the first time outside Melbourne, the local equivalent of the Football Grand Final-Super Bowl.


Michael Dodge / Shutterstock

The Australian Rules Football Grand Final, local to the Super Bowl, will be played outside Melbourne next week for the first time in its 123-year history.

Long restrictions have led to public frustration and frustration, contributing to small and disruptive public demonstrations and legal challenges from small business owners regarding the validity of the lockout.

Health professionals and medical associations have widely supported the Victorian government’s epidemic-control measures, but also the need to mitigate the severe mental-health impacts triggered by long-term locks, and the associated job losses and social isolation, especially among youth and disadvantaged groups.

Greg Hunt, health minister for Australia’s Conservative National Government, said federal data showed a 31% increase in Victorians over the past two months, compared to a 15% increase nationally. The number of calls beyond the mental health support service in Victoria was 90% higher than in other parts of the country in August.

“The second wave that led to the lockout has had a major impact on the mental health of Victorians and their economic prospects,” said Australian Treasurer Josh Friedenberg.


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Mr. who leads a center-left state Labor government. Andrews stressed the need for drastic measures to prevent the worst third-wave infections, which could lead to more prolonged shutdowns beyond hospitals.

He said the infection rate targets were based on comprehensive consultation with supercomputer visual modeling and public-health professionals and continued to weigh in against economic and social pain. Many restrictions will last for at least several more weeks.

“These are not easy decisions, there are a lot of risks,” Mr Andrews said Sunday. “If we do too much, too fast, we’re just going to be where no one wants to be again.

Write Philip Wen and Felicia at [email protected] Felicia Swartz at

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