Two members of the video game piracy team Xecuter have been arrested

The U.S. Justice Department reports that two members of the Team Scooter have been arrested. Team Scooter is a notorious video game piracy group that has been around since 2001. Recently, the group has been selling physical hardware to Nintendo Switch consoles. Each person faces 11 worse charges, including wire fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering.

Although two key members of Team Xecuter Are in custody, A total of three people have been charged. All three members are accused of running a criminal company that created and sold physical mods for hacking consoles and playing video games illegally. The report says that the greatest demand for Team Scooter’s products is playing plagiarized video games.

Acting Assistant to the Criminal Division of the Judiciary Attorney General Brian C. Rabbit criticized the group, “[They] Made illegal profits for many years. Brian Moran, a U.S. attorney for Washington’s West District, explained: “These defendants lined up their bags by stealing and selling the work of other video-game developers – even going so far as to pay customers a license fee to play stolen games.”

According to that report, Team Scooter has over a dozen members worldwide. We last heard Cases in May 2020 In two U.S. states: Ohio and Washington. Team Xecuter is so far about the state of Washington, so it will be interesting to see if any of the other cases come up.

Team Xecuter arrests are under investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Homeland Security.

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