Trump’s Department of Health adapts CDC report on COVID-19 to fit President’s message: Report

Politico says communications aides appointed by President Donald Trump are reviewing reports from scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and that they are changing them to better integrate with General Sunny’s message that the United States is hitting the corona virus. Michael Kaputo, a former Trump campaign official and now assistant secretary general for public affairs at the Department of Health and Human Services, and his deputies have repeatedly called for publication access to the CDC’s weekly morbidity and mortality weekly reports, and changed them to reduce the severity of COVID-19 in April. The first several cases.

CDC scientists have been at loggerheads with Kaputo and company, but Politico says they have seen an increase in reports in recent weeks. Kaputo and his aides tried to delay and stop the publication of other reports altogether. Kaputo’s adviser, Dr. Paul Alexander, wrote in an August 8 e-mail that “CDC seems to me to be writing success pieces over management.” Despite the nearly 200,000 US deaths and the highest number of cases worldwide due to the virus, Trump has repeatedly stressed that the new corona virus will “disappear” and that the United States is “going around the corner” in epidemics.

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