Trump is not welcome in Scotland when he leaves the White House | Abroad

US President Donald Trump should not be attempting to visit his golf resort in Scotland as Joe Biden takes power. Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon gives him a negative opinion as long as Scotland is in lockdown, writes the Sunday Post.

The newspaper had written that the Scottish airport at Prestwick had been informed that it must know that a US military plane could arrive on January 19. This is a Boeing 757 previously used by Trump. January 19 is Joe Biden’s inauguration day.

‘Outside the White House’

Sturgeon said she was unaware of Trump’s plans for a trip to Scotland. She said she hoped Trump’s only trip was to leave the White House.

Under Scottish foreclosure rules entry and exit are only allowed if essential. “We do not allow people to enter Scotland without a primary objective and this is true for him as it is for anyone else,” said the Prime Minister of the outgoing President. “Coming to play golf is not what I would call an essential goal.”

Trump could consider a trip to his golf resort in Turnberry, Scotland, to distract from Biden’s Jan. 20 inauguration, the newspaper writes, based on aviation sources.

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