Trudeau: Canada is already in the second wave of the corona virus

Trudeau said a second wave of Govt-19 was underway in Canada’s four largest provinces.

Increasingly harsh background: Trudeau’s warning comes as Canadian Govt-19 cases are on the rise, following the country’s success in flattening the previous curve on epidemics.

When the country closed on March 13, Trudeau noted that there were 47 new viral diseases. “Yesterday alone, we had more than 1,000,” Trudeau said, appearing in dark attire and diving on television screens, standing in front of four Canadian flags and a desk.

Canada’s top doctor warned this week that the only way to prevent the spread is if everyone works to put the brakes on.

“Today is my news time,” said Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tom. “Our actions now are important to curb the growth of the epidemic.”

An average of 1,123 cases were reported in Canada over the past seven days, with officials reporting 380 cases a day in mid-August.

Trudeau government’s new Govt-19 plan: The television appearance came hours after a long political speech – a speech from the throne of the Trudeau government.

Like the State of the Union addresses in the United States, Canada’s throne speeches illustrate the government’s high-level policy direction and policies.

Trudeau’s throne speech outlined his minority government’s renewed plan to tackle the economic and health damage of the corona virus. It promised investments to improve areas such as the economy, the social security web, environmental protection and the workforce, without providing price tags.

The Prime Minister used much of his time on television to promote his government’s new plan. He also spearheaded his government’s efforts to address the health and economic crisis of the epidemic.

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