This is the true story of La legge di Lidia Poet (The Law According to Lidia Poet) – Netflix UK

The Netflix series La legge di Lidia Poet tells a true story. Lidia Poet was not a poetess, as her name suggests, but the first female lawyer in Italy! The series is also known by the English title The Law According to Lidia Poet and it is the true story.

Lidia Poet’s leg

In this historical drama series from Netflix, the main character, Lidia Poet, investigates a series of murders while fighting to become a lawyer. The show is set in the Italian city of Turin in the 19th century and is based on a true story. In this series, it may have been overdone here and there, but the thread really did happen.

University of Torino

Lidia Poet was born in 1855 in Perrero, a suburb of Greater Turin. She studied law at the University of Turin and graduated with flying colors on June 17, 1881. During the next two years she did forensic medicine as an assistant to a lawyer of whom we do not know not the name before being “accredited” by the Bar of Turin. . By 45 votes for and 5 against. This meant that his name had been added to the…”list of lawyers‘, the manuscript of the lawyers.

True story of La legge di Lidia Poet

However, this made a lot of noise, especially with the public prosecutor of Turin. He wasn’t happy that he suddenly got a female counterpart and appealed Poet’s nomination. He opposed this call and pointed to other countries, where women have long been allowed to become lawyers. For example, she pointed the finger at Clara S. Foltz, but failed to convince the accuser. He said a woman was simply forbidden to join the so-called ‘togata militia‘. And the appeals court agreed with him, so Lidia’s name had to be dropped.

Determine Logs

However, he did not just let it go and contacted the media, which caused a real debate. 25 Italian newspapers were in favor of women in the legal world and only 3 against. However, the dailies who opposed it launched an offensive and wrote among other things: “The men who approve of it must be single, they do not understand women.”

Guillaume Waldorf Astor

They even contacted William Waldorf Astor, prominent politician and lawyer from New York, USA. Women were already allowed to pursue such professions there, although Astor wasn’t exactly positive about it. This “thinker” said that Americans were also against women as lawyers, even if it was the solution for the 250,000 Italian-American women who lived in isolation. They were unmarried and risked having to lead a life of nihilists.

July 17, 1919

Lidia Poet continued to resist the established order, without success for much of her life. However, on July 17, 1919, the decision was made to admit women into the order, and at 65, the Italian finally got what she had long dreamed of. Thirty years later, on February 2, 1949, she died at the age of 93.

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