These are the potential new F1 teams that have signed with the FIA

Now that the registration deadline for potential new F1 teams has passed and the FIA ​​has closed the door, the next phase of the process will begin. So far we know from quite a few parties that there is interest and that they are committed to creating a new F1 team.

The FIA ​​announced last year that it planned to set up an “expression of interest” process, which would allow it to assess interest from parties outside Formula 1. Is there enough parties who want and can provide the sport with a new F1 team in the future? The phase during which the parties could indicate that they wished is now over. The FIA ​​announced it a few days ago. The next step in the process is now mostly in the hands of the FIA. At least he has plenty of sides to choose from. So much so that not everyone can be satisfied. Which entered teams, according to rumors or a public statement, should the FIA ​​choose?

ALSO INTERESTING: FIA confirms next step underway for new Formula 1 teams

Andretti Cadillac

The potential new team that is most talked about and most known to the public is Andretti Cadillac (General Motors). The two parties have already announced that they want to work together and have the ambition to create an F1 team together. Michael Andretti, the potential team manager for the new team, was the most frequently mentioned in the media of all the potential new teams. It was mainly the current teams who, according to Andretti, are not yet very happy with the arrival of new teams. The main question is who will supply the engines, as Andretti controls the team and Cadillac will be a title sponsor. Renault is one option that is mentioned, where there would even be a ready deal as an engine supplier if Andretti Cadillac were approved by the FIA. Initially, the team wanted to participate in 2024, but now it seems to be 2025.

Grand Prix Hitech (H26)

The name Hitech will be familiar to people who watch Formula 2 and Formula 3. Under this name, it has been active for years at the second and third tier of the sport. He therefore already has a good base, but according to the rumors that came out in February this year, Hitech would be interested in forming a new F1 team and signed for the process. The project would be called H26 and is already at an advanced stage. However, Hitech has not spoken about this publicly, so it is uncertain whether they are actually among the teams that have registered with the FIA. This would be the year 2026 and a full UK squad.

LKY Sunz

Another party that has publicly shown interest is Asian LKY Sunz, formerly known as Panthera Team Asia F1. Benjamin Durand, the company’s chief executive, has previously said the team is funded by parts of the United States and Asia and has a specific focus. She wants to develop a program that allows her to recruit talent from underrepresented countries and communities. The aim would be to be on the grid with a team in 2025, but the party was waiting for what the FIA ​​now wants to do with their candidacy. So they seem to have some clarification on that soon.

Equal Formula

Formula Equal is another team that has publicly announced its intention to compete in Formula 1 with a brand new team. The name betrays it a bit, but the team aims to be made up of 50% men, the remaining 50% then being women. It’s Craig Pollock’s idea. The aim is to participate in the sport from 2026 with a team which therefore consists of an equal distribution of men and women in all areas, from management to drivers and engineers.

Caroline Rodin

Then the New Zealander Rodin Carlin, active among others in Formula 2, Formula 3 and Formula 4. The aim of the project would be to bring a female driver into Formula 1 by creating a new team and registering for the process. of the FIA. The company has already indicated through David Dicker that the team will develop the entire car and has over $500 million to create a new F1 team, with a junior program already in place.

Calvin Lo

Finally, the least known potential new team. Calvin Lo, a billionaire from Hong Kong, is reportedly looking to set up an F1 team for the 2026 season. April rumors say he is in talks with various parties over forming and funding a new F1 team. Lo has already expressed interest in the media, but for him it is above all a challenge to find the expertise to form an F1 team. Money is not a stumbling block, says Lo. The question now is whether he has found a party, or perhaps several parties, to work with and is therefore still among the parties who want to create a new team.

Biggest contenders?

On the surface, Andretti Cadillac seems to have the biggest chance of a place as a new F1 team. After all, they already have the financial resources, the parties and the supplier and can therefore come up with a good sustainable plan for the future. Moreover, Hitech and Rodin Carlin also have a competitive advantage in terms of expertise and already have a junior program. The main question is whether they managed to attract enough (financial) partners to convince them enough. The most uncertain is the new team of billionaire Lo, simply because we do not know if he was able to secure a partner or several partners to provide the desired expertise.


In addition to these possible options, all of which except Hitech have publicly indicated they want to create a new F1 team, there will likely also be parties that have not made a public statement about forming a new F1 team. F1 team, but have the FIA ​​​​have done. What is known is that Porsche has since abandoned its dream of an F1 team. Potential new teams will now need to be approved by Formula One Management (FOM), which owns the commercial rights to F1. In addition to funding the entire team, a new team must also pay $200 million to enter the sport as a new F1 team. This, along with the current challenge facing current F1 teams, are the two biggest hurdles besides finding a good partner with expertise.

Current teams

The current teams agree that it is good that new teams are added to Formula 1 and that the FIA ​​is working on it, but the financial picture is less rosy for the teams. The teams share the prize pool. If new teams joined and this prize pool did not increase, the teams would lose money due to the arrival of new F1 teams. So that’s the main reason why some of the current F1 teams are still hesitating and hoping that the new F1 teams will bring value which can mean not only for the sport but also for the existing F1 teams that they have left more to share. jackpot. However, this is only relevant in the next step.

next phase

For now, the next phase is mainly about research and decision-making. The teams have had their say and shown their plan to Formula 1 by registering with the FIA. FOM must now decide which teams are a complement to the sport, both financially and athletically. In addition, he will also have to decide if he wants to go from ten to twelve, thirteen or fourteen teams. Given the large number of potential applications, not every team will make it to Formula 1 as a new F1 team. The main question then is who will survive the FOM inspection.

Since when?

Another question is when will we see these teams in Formula 1. For 2024 the number seems to remain at ten for the time being. These would then be the current ten teams. From 2025, it is possible that Andretti and LKY Sunz can strengthen Formula 1, while 2026 is a target for the other parties. For billionaire Lo’s team, 2027 might be a bit more realistic. 2026 is of course particularly popular as the arrival of the new team would coincide with the new engine regulations which will be introduced in 2026. Starting in 2025 would first mean building another car in the current era, after which an almost entirely new car should be manufactured in 2026 with different requirements. It is, especially for a team that is making its debut in Formula 1, a situation that is far from ideal.

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