The White House is moving to remove the COVID-19 security barrier at airports

It is said that international travelers coming to the United States will no longer have to go through advanced health screenings at the airport. The planned change in policy was first reported Issued by Yahoo News, Is expected to take effect on September 14th.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) screen travelers to the United States from certain countries From January When it started to flag anyone coming from or through Wuhan, China. Screening includes temperature testing and symptom testing. Passengers are also expected to provide information that could be used to search for contacts if they are exposed to someone with COVID-19.

The White House has ordered a change in practice Yahoo News. U.S. Customs and Border Security said On the edge Contact the Department of Homeland Security regarding this policy On the edge To CDC.

Airport screenings are designed to catch victims traveling within the country so as not to spread COVID-19. They Don’t end up catching in general Although many sick people. Temperature tests only The virus is not going to catch people, but so far it has not shown any symptoms or caught anyone without symptoms. Fever is a common symptom of COVID-19, but some people who are very sick will never develop it. It is easily obscured by drugs. Symptom screenings rely on people who tell the truth, and do not flag anyone who is pre- or post-symptomatic.

In February, U.S. officials screened more than 30,000 people at airports Can’t find anyone Viral infection. An analysis Airport screenings found that half of the affected passengers would be lost. The DSA official said less than 15 passengers were identified with Kovit-19 through airport screenings Said CNN.

While public health officials are still trying to control the spread of the virus, catching people at airports can be very effective. The United States has the largest COVID-19 eruption in any country in the world. An international traveler is probably more likely to catch the virus than to bring it into the country.

The moves to get rid of airport checks are in line with what the White House thinks about the epidemic. Airport health screenings are available in a number of ways Security Theater. Governments use them to show the public that they are doing something. Deleting them seems like things are going back to normal.

This is in line with the “out of sight, out of mind” approach, and the Trump administration seems to be taking action with the COVID-19 eruptions across the country. Last month, officials said Put pressure on the CDC It works to reverse its test recommendations and discourage asymptomatic individuals from receiving COVID-19 tests. Public health recommendations. President Trump has repeatedly and falsely said that fewer tests will reduce cassocks.

For several monthsAt the time of writing, Trump has publicly downplayed the importance of the virus that killed about 190,000 people in the United States. Since February, behind closed doors, he has been clearly aware of the danger of the virus Newly published interviews With journalist Bob Woodward. Trump told Woodward in March that he had deliberately reduced the risk. “I always wanted to reduce it,” he said, just days after declaring a national emergency. “I like to play it because I don’t want to create a panic yet.”

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