The White House blocked the CDC order to dock cruise ships

Dr Stephen Astroff, a former FDA executive commissioner who works on the Healthy Soil team, said he recommended checking ship passengers before the ship arrives and then before boarding again.

“One thing you want to confirm is that the virus will not get there first,” Dr. Ostroff said.

Dr. Ostraff acknowledged that travelers who became infected with the virus on the way to the ship did not need to be tested negative, but could be infected. He added that other recommendations of the committee, such as allowing fewer passengers, wearing masks and installing advanced air filtration systems, were aimed at controlling the spread of the virus on a ship on the affected passenger board.

Brian Morkenstern, the White House’s deputy press secretary, denied that the administration’s cruise plans were politically motivated. “The president, vice president and working group follow science and data to implement policies that protect public health and help reopen our country safely,” he said.

Dr. Redfield is in a critical condition after several weeks of public conflict with the White House.

Mr. One of Trump’s top corona virus advisers, Dr. Scott W. He told a colleague on Friday that he was concerned that Atlas was misleading the president, an NBC reporter said. I overheard Dr. Redfield’s phone conversation On a commercial flight.

Earlier this month, after Dr. Redfield, Mr. The incident follows Trump’s condemnation of the director Testified at a Senate hearing A vaccine will not be widely available until the middle of next year, and masks are more important than a vaccine to prevent the spread of the virus. Mr. Trump told reporters later that day that he believed the director had “made a mistake.” The president said a vaccine would go “immediately to the general public” and “under no circumstances will it be as late as the doctor said.”

The CDC, headed by Dr. Redfield, has received strong criticism from scientists for its handling of the epidemic. Patch rollout of test kits Last spring. This month, The New York Times reported that there were political appointees in the health sector Pushed by CDC guidelines – Despite objections from the agency’s own scientists – that asymptomatic individuals do not need to be tested for the corona virus, even if they have close contact with the infected person. The company has updated these guidelines to recommend testing, in line with public health experts.

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