The United States announces re-imposition of UN sanctions on Iran, despite differences from allies

The Trump administration Wants to announce UN sanctions Reviewed Iran In the coming days, a month after the Security Council resolution on Iran’s nuclear deal triggered a “snap-pack” mechanism – but the move is likely to be ignored by many, including US allies.

“We will return to the United Nations to re-impose sanctions so that the arms embargo becomes permanent next week.” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo The UK Foreign Secretary told a news conference on Wednesday. “We deeply believe that this is good for all nationalities.”

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Pompeo last month called on the UN to trigger a “snapback” mechanism in Security Council Resolution 2231. This mechanism triggers a process of re-expiration or expiration of UN sanctions against the theocratic regime, including the arms embargo, which expires in October as part of the 2015 agreement.

But other countries in the Council, including China, Russia, the United Kingdom, France and Germany, opposed the US move and appear to ignore it. They argue that since the US withdrew from the Iran deal in 2018, it is not in a position to trigger Snapback.

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“Our position on the effectiveness of the US Declaration on Resolution 2231 is made very clear to the President and all UNSC members,” Germany, France and the United Kingdom said in a statement last month. “Therefore, we cannot support this move, which is inconsistent with our current efforts to support JCPoA.”

Chairman of the Security Council at the time Refused to comply with the request of the United States. But the United States has moved forward, raising questions about what will happen when the United States announces that it has reconsidered sanctions, which are being ignored by allies and enemies.

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The move has the potential to lead to a credibility crisis at the UN, which comes shortly before the body’s General Assembly next week. Pompeo did not elaborate on Wednesday, but the United States “promised to do its part – its responsibility to implement peace, this time in the Middle East.”

“We will do everything we can to ensure that those sanctions are enforced,” he said.

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Elliott Abrams, US special envoy to Venezuela and Iran, can deny access to the U.S. market to anyone who trades in weapons with Iran, Reuters reports. Whatever happens, it could lead to frozen relations in the Turtle Bay between the United States and other members of the international community.

Abrams told reporters that ET will be banned at 8pm on Saturday.

“If other countries do not follow suit, I think they should be asked … do they not think that weakening the framework of UN sanctions?”

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Meanwhile, Pompeo said Wednesday that the US “maximum pressure” strategy against Iran is working.

“Anyone who looks at the financial situation of the Islamic Republic of Iran today today can no longer have the evidence to trample on Hezbollah and Shia militants. They spent money on bad operations everywhere. During these years, those resources are greatly reduced and the potential for harm around the world is greatly reduced,” he said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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