The Trump family and aides violated the Cleveland Hotel Mask Order before the debate

ABC News Corona Virus Government.  Answer

Trump’s entourage spent several hours in a hotel ahead of Tuesday’s debate.

Trump and his entourage spent hours before the discussion at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, one of the many hotels on or near the world-class medical facility on campus, and people who traveled to the clinic used it for work and medical procedures.

During the presidency of the site all of the secret service officers who were posted in the lobby and elevators of the building were wearing masks, as were other propaganda officers who were seen on the site that day. The hotel has been implementing its mask requirement and mandatory temperature tests on guests and hotel staff in the days leading up to the debate.

Trump arrived at the hotel after his debate march at 4:46 pm on Tuesday and left for the debate at 8:27 pm, almost four hours later, according to White House reporters who traveled with the president.

A hotel spokesman told ABC News that the White House team “had a special place inside the hotel and had no contact with hotel colleagues or other guests.”

However, one of the dedicated places reserved for the White House and campaign staff was parked in the main area near the hotel restaurant and was accessible to hotel guests.

“Our thoughts are with all Americans affected by COVID, including the President and the First Lady. Although members of this group are not guests on our property or site overnight, we have taken the necessary steps to maintain the quality of health care, including hotel, improved cleaning and disinfection practices,” a hotel spokesman said. , The hotel follows the guidelines of “relevant” health officials and is open to guests.

The hotel did not respond to follow-up questions as to why members of the Trump travel team were allowed to walk around the hotel’s public spaces without masks, or whether guests or staff had been duly notified of the president’s visit or given a check. Following his positive COVID-19 diagnosis. It is not clear if anyone is affected or if someone is self-isolated.

The hotel confirmed to ABC News on Saturday that masks are mandatory in indoor public spaces.

Trump and First Lady Melania Trump tested positive for COVID-19 on Thursday, two days after the debate, the White House said. Stephen received his positive diagnosis on Friday evening.

Hope Hicks, a senior White House aide who traveled to Cleveland with the president, tested positive on Thursday morning.

Dr. Nacia Saptar, an epidemiologist at the Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health University and director of infection control at UW Hospitals and Clinics, said a person with Covit-19 may be infected several days before experiencing symptoms. .

Dr Lena Wen, a professor at the George Washington University School of Public Health and former Baltimore health commissioner, told ABC News that “there is no doubt that White House staff must follow the masked orders.” “It said there was a lower risk of someone passing by or sharing an elevator with them, due to less time exposure.”

The Cleveland Clinic was required to receive a negative PCR test result from the hospital within 72 hours of the debate, although the Clinic said in a statement that the Trump and Biden campaigns were responsible for testing everyone traveling to the debate with both candidates on Tuesday.

Chris Wallace, presenter of “Fox News Sunday” moderated the discussion, told Fox News on Friday. The organizers believed in a “respect system” To ensure that campaigns do not bring victims to the discussion site.

The Trump campaign and the White House did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

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