The Trump administration has previously released COVID-19 death toll estimates

Nearly three million people will “most likely” die COVID-19 A research organization that once relied on the Trump administration warns that if governments do not tighten social distance requirements by the end of this year and people are less vigilant about wearing masks.

The death toll in the United States, which currently stands at 188,000, will rise to more than 400,000 by January 1st Institute of Health Measurements and Assessment (IHME) The University of Washington Medical School has a forecast.

That is not even the “worst situation” that IHME has set out in its brilliant statement. In that model, the researchers concluded that four million people would die worldwide, and more than 620,000 in the United States would be wiped out by COVID-19.

“In the best case scenario”, two million people will die worldwide by the end of the year, and there will be 257,286 to 327,775 COVID-19 deaths anywhere in the United States

“The worst is yet to come,” IHME director Dr Christopher Murray warned In a call with reporters Friday.

“We are facing a deadly December in December, especially in Europe, Central Asia and the United States,” Murray said in an earlier statement. “But the science is clear and the evidence is undeniable: wearing masks, social exclusion and restrictions on social gatherings can help prevent the spread of the virus.”

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was criticized for providing partial funding in the early days of the IHME epidemic. Trusted plans On the progress of the epidemic that President Donald Trump and his team cited as evidence that the United States was controlling COVID-19 – it was wrong.

Right now, the Murray team estimates, “2.8 million people will die if most mask use and other mitigation measures do not change.”

In every IMHE model, the countries that want to lose the most people are India and the United States.

Currently, the United States has reported more than 188,000 deaths in nearly 6.2 million confirmed cases – both world-leading figures. The latest NBC news numbers show.

The United States now accounts for more than 26 million cases and a quarter of nearly 870,000 deaths worldwide. Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Dashboard.

Brazil is next with 124,614 deaths, followed by India with 68,472 on the dashboard.

Murray, in an IHME release, acknowledged that their views were “a significant increase over the current total deaths, estimated at nearly 910,000 worldwide.” But the epidemic “follows seasonal patterns like pneumonia, which means that countries in the Northern Hemisphere become sock again when the weather gets colder.

“People in the Northern Hemisphere should be especially vigilant as winter approaches because the corona virus like pneumonia is more prevalent in cold weather,” Murray said.

In July, a spokesman for the World Health Organization said the epidemic was not seasonal but rather “a big wave.”

“This virus likes all weathers,” Dr. Margaret Harris said.

Other COVID-19 improvements include:

  • The U.S. economy added 1.4 million jobs last month and the unemployment rate fell to 8.4 percent – less than 10 percent since the outbreak. “Great job numbers!” Trump spoke proudly in a tweet. Economists were less impressed, NBC News reported. “We’ve had three major monthly jobs, but so far have only recovered less than half of the losses in March and April,” said Euler Hermes, senior economist for North America, Dan North. “The job gains so far have been easy, where a business has reopened and brought back its employees.” In addition, layoffs are on the rise in high-risk sectors such as the aviation industry. Experts warn.
  • FBI and state investigators Tested at Pennsylvania Hospital On Thursday, hundreds of residents and staff tested positive for the corona virus and dozens died. Brighton Rehabilitation and Health Center. Located northeast of Pittsburgh, flagged for dangerous conditions before the epidemic, NBC News broke the news in April.
  • Florida bans local health officials from releasing detailed information about new COVID-19 cases in public schools Orlando Sentinel Announced. The newspaper discovered this when questioned by a state health official in Orange County about “the first possible case of a student-teacher exchange.” , Will continue to release public epidemiological information to the public Recently reopened Regarding the objections of teachers who claim to be forced to work in unsafe conditions, the government continues to raise thousands of new cases every day. The Florida Department of Health has been accused of censoring data to make the state’s numbers smaller and worse. Expelling a whistleblower. The company has denied the allegation.
  • Northeastern University Eleven students in Boston were caught hosting a hotel room 24 hours a day on Friday and were allowed to leave for the rest of the semester after being caught violating the school’s public health rules. Meanwhile, more and more colleges and universities were reporting new outbreaks. The University of Arizona Thursday announced its largest new daily number of COVID-19 trials with 126. About 220 new positive cases have been reported University of Nebraska This week. And more than 1,000 students have tested positive for COVID-19 Ohio State University, According to the school’s official Corona virus dashboard.

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