the sun eats the earth

The discussion about the end of the world has been going on for many years. Almost every ending imaginable has already been discussed. From bizarre conspiracy theories, which are once again debunked, to scientific research. There is a lot to read. However, the reality is very different from these theories, as a recent event provides insight into what would happen if the world came to a standstill.

Scientists managed to record a special phenomenon. They saw several planets eaten by a star. Before this historic moment, scientists had only seen stars right before or after they devoured entire planets, but this new study has changed that. So what is the science behind all of this?

The end of the world

Well, when stars reach the end of their lives, they grow to about a million times their original size, which makes them very powerful. When the stars reach this point, they eventually devour any planets or other objects around them.

This recently happened in our galaxy, making it easier for scientists to track and collect data. Scientists believe it happened about 12,000 light years away. Astronomers observed that the star in question became about 100 times brighter than usual for ten days, until it finally disappeared. Then astronomers found a cold, longer-lasting signal that reached Earth, which was likely the last trace of a planet as it was engulfed by the mammoth star.

“We saw the final stage of swallowing,” said lead author Kishalay De, of MIT’s Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research. Well, if that doesn’t give you chills, then we don’t know what will.

In terms of size, the star is around 0.8 to 1.5 times the mass of our sun, with researchers estimating that the planet was between 1 and 10 times the mass of Jupiter. Much of the material engulfed by the star is released into the universe, which could one day lead to the formation of new stars and planets. The circle of life.

Our future

As the fate is sealed for this poor planet, scientists are warning that the sun and our Earth should suffer the same fate. But rest assured, that probably won’t happen for another 5 billion years.

Dr. L’addition: “We see the future of the Earth. If another civilization were watching us from 10,000 light years away as the sun devours the Earth. Then they would see the sun suddenly brighten as matter ejects, then a cloud of dust forms around the explosion, before returning to what it was.

yuck. Hopefully Elon Musk will soon have more success with his missiles. Just give us a one-way ticket to another habitable planet in 5 billion years.

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