The second wave of the virus, the rate of infection decreases

Visitors view the dolphins scene on August 25, 2020 in Madrid, Spain, while keeping a bench guard distance at the Madrid Zoo.

Miguel Pereira | Getty Images News | Getty Images

There is reason to be cautious about fighting the second wave of corona virus infection in some European countries as the rate of new infections is starting to stabilize daily.

Meanwhile, a report released on Thursday raised hopes that the UK is regaining its latest control over corona virus cases.

The Imperial College London has released the latest findings of a recent study on the vulnerability of the virus that claims that the reproduction (or R) number of corona viruses (or R) has dropped from 1.7 to 1.1 … but the value is as wide as 0.7 to 1.5 in recent times. “

The number R indicates the average number of secondary infections that develop from an infected person. Scientists want to keep the R number below 1 to slow the spread of the disease.

“This suggests that the rate of new infections has decreased, but a R greater than 1 means that cases will continue to increase if current trends continue,” said imperial scientists, who reported the results of cloth tests conducted on more than 80,000 people between September. 18 and 26 as part of its “REACT 1” study.

The study monitors the current incidence of Govt-19 in the community by testing more than 150,000 selected individuals approximately each month over a two-month period. Volunteers take the nose and throat cloth at home, after which they are analyzed in a laboratory.

Professor Paul Elliott, director of the REACT program at Imperial, concluded that some measures introduced in the UK to prevent the spread of viruses could have a number of consequences, including the “Rule of Six” regulating community gatherings.

“While our latest findings show some initial evidence that the development of new cases has slowed down, efforts to control the infection are underway, the prevalence of the infection is the highest we have ever recorded,” he said.

“It strengthens the need for safety measures to control the spread of the disease and the public’s adherence to these.”

The UK has seen its highest number of daily outbreaks in the past week. On Wednesday, 7,108 multiple cases were reported, followed by 7,143 new cases on Tuesday, the highest increase in reported infections so far.

Mixed signals

The UK and other European countries have tightened corona virus measures to prevent the spread of the virus, including measures to reintroduce localized locks in some regions and cities and restrict the number of people who can collect socially. Opening hours of hotels, bars and restaurants.

Both Germany and Spain this week announced drastic regional measures to control the outbreak of corona virus cases, especially in urban areas, and at family gatherings.

The major European countries that have seen the spikes may also be showing signs that the number of daily outbreaks is starting to temporarily stabilize and decrease, in some cases – but not all.

In Spain, the number of daily epidemics is high, with 10,000 marks recorded this week to 11,000 on Wednesday, but a temporary decline is seen in new cases. Spanish Ministry of Health The data indicate a decline.

Between September 14-20, more than 70,000 new cases were reported, followed by data from a week ago when more than 53,000 new cases were reported. Nonetheless, the government did not take any chances with the viral hotspot Madrid, which decided to lock down the capital on Wednesday as infections were high. They cause one-third of all new daily infections nationwide, regional data attest. Spain has the highest number of cases in Europe at 769,188, according to Johns Hopkins University.

In France, which has the second highest number of corona virus cases (with 604,031 cases, JHU says), the situation is not much better. More than 12,000 new cases were reported by the health ministry on Wednesday, with more than 10,000 new cases being seen for the first time in three days, and Reuters estimates that the number of hospital admissions has risen from 90 to a 10-week high of 6,590.

Italy and Germany are the major economies of Europe and are not seen as dramatically as anywhere else, although both have seen severe explosions in some regions.

According to data from the Robert Koch Institute, Germany recorded 1,798 new cases on Wednesday, down from 2,089 new infections the previous day, but the public health system said the four-day R value (four-day moving average new cases) is more than 1 from the second week of September, which was 0.96 on Wednesday. Was to become.

In Italy, the number of new daily infections has not risen so dramatically. Although 1,851 new cases were reported by the Ministry of Health on Wednesday, more than 200 more than the previous day, the Italian news agency Ansa said 15,000 more corona virus tests had been carried out by the Ministry of Health than the previous day, accounting for the possible increase.

Ansa classified the infection curve as “stable”, noting that no region showed zero new infections, “that Campania again led to 287 new cases”, and that Lazio, then based in Rome, recorded 210 new cases. Lombardy, where the original eruption of Italy came out, had 201 more cases the day before.

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