The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has ruled that votes cannot be rejected on the basis of signature comparisons

Seventh Justice, another Republican, agreed with the verdict.

The Court “advises Electoral District Boards not to reject voter or postal votes for counting, counting and counting as a result of third party challenges based on signature comparisons conducted by district election officials or staff. ”

Already, less than 1.5 million Pennsylvanians have already submitted their ballots by 2020 US Election Program. This is a significant turnout in Pennsylvania, where about 6.2 million people voted in the 2016 general election.

Commonwealth Secretary of State Pennsylvania Kathy Bougainville issued guidelines earlier this year that local election officials could not toss the ballot only by signature comparisons.

“If the voter’s declaration on the withdrawal envelope is signed and the district board is satisfied that the notice is sufficient, the Pennsylvania Electoral Code must approve the cancellation of the ballot or non-ballot, unless challenged.” The guideline was read in mid-September. “The Pennsylvania Electoral Code does not authorize the County Electoral Board not to return or set aside postal votes solely on the basis of the signature analysis of the County Electoral Board.”

The court ruled that there was no provision in the state election code to allow the ballot to be rejected on the basis of signature comparisons, and that state lawmakers would have included it if they wanted one.

“It is not our role under our tripartite regime to engage in judicial law and rewrite a law to provide for provisions that are not there, and in this case we will not do so,” the court wrote.

Pennsylvania, like many states affected by the corona virus outbreak, is expected to see big waves of votes submitted by mail this year. The level of critical battles is expected to be slow in counting votes because it will not allow Election officials to begin processing postal votes Until election day, no firm results are expected in the state on November 3rd.

Republican lawmakers and Democrat leader Tom Wolf have been in talks to extend those implementation times, but they appear to have completely collapsed. The state legislature adjourned earlier this week and is not expected to return after election day There is no agreement with the governor.

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