The government shutdown conflict begins as the White House seeks a short-term government finance bill

Both sides must reach an agreement by the end of September to avoid a strike. But the matter is complicated because both parties a Bitter stumbling block on the trigger frame To accelerate the flagging economy International spread of corona virus. Two issues – keeping the government open since September 30 and providing relief to struggling Americans – collide a few weeks ago with far-reaching consequences. Election.

In a 36-minute call on Tuesday, Treasury Secretary Steven Munuchin and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi acknowledged that they wanted to avoid a government shutdown and seek a “clean” stop-cap funding program without external action. .

It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. Both parties have their own definition of what a “clean” financial measure should be – so the topic will be subject to adequate negotiation.

A 23 page document received by CNN The White House has informed lawmakers that a halt to action is needed to keep the government afloat until mid-December during the lame-duck session of Congress. The document outlines the White House’s priorities for funding a wide range of projects, from energy to national security to disaster loans for small businesses.
The implementation of a short-term measure will ensure the current Congress – the Senate controlled by the Republicans and the House of Representatives – approves and signs a bill President Donald Trump Even if he loses the election.
But a long-term stoppage for next year, called a continuing resolution, would be very useful for Democrats. Joe Biden If the president wins the presidency and their party wins the Senate in November.

Sources familiar with the matter told CNN that Democrat leaders were discussing a series of resolutions that would expire in mid-March. This will allow President Biden and the Senate Democrats to play a key role in the next round of government funding as soon as they take office, considering their party to win this fall.

But a senior Democratic aide told CNN that the party leadership had not held in-depth discussions on the length of the suspension measures and that “no decision had been made”.

Negotiations on fiscal law have not yet begun in earnest as the two sides are still struggling on an incentive plan. Pelosi proposed lowering the price index for a new stimulus plan to $ 2.2 trillion – but it was rejected by White House and GOP leaders.

Next week, Senate Republicans are expected to try to advance their $ 500 billion relief plan. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer calls it “anemia.” And there are votes to stop.

With the completion of the GOP-inspired project stalls in the Senate, will negotiations on government funding intensify and will focus on the length of action to stop it, and should it include economic relief such as unemployment benefits, aid to schools and rental assistance? For persons facing eviction – or if it should be free from any material.

Pelosi & # 39; s controversial salon incident & # 39;  System & # 39;

Both sides said they did not want to close the government.

“House Democrats are in for a clear continuing resolution,” Pelosi spokesman Drew Hummel said Thursday.

But both sides clearly agree that it is not clear what an agreement will look like and that negotiations will be tough.

Asked before the Senate adjourned the August recess if he was concerned about the government’s strike in the fall, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told CNN.

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