The Barcelona restaurant offers customers a spot for a siesta in the ‘Nappuccino Corner’

Barcelona – Who hasn’t thought of taking a siesta or at least closing their eyes and relaxing after a good meal in a restaurant? That is what the restaurant ‘Lobster Roll Barcelona’ has brought to their customers. If a guest wants, after eating, for example, a roll of seafood, the star dish of the house, he can lie down in the bedroom. This can take up to an hour and is for personal use only. “Sharing a booth is not possible under any circumstances,” explains restaurant manager Xiaoyong Chi.

Lobster Roll Barcelona opened its doors last June (2022). In addition to the obligatory tables and chairs of a restaurant, you can find ‘Nappuccino Corner’ There are rooms for siesta. In addition to the necessary mattress, there are other things for comfort like sockets, lamps.

When the restaurant’s managers rented the space, the property remained boxes These belong to the original hotel in the room. This cafe had a similar idea; A hotel where you can relax. The owners of the cafe have transformed the space into this mini-franchise (Nappuccino Corner), which now has its first experience in this format in Barcelona’s Lobster Roll restaurant.

‘We were able to take advantage of that. We get along well with the owners Nappuccino Together with them we established this franchise in Spain. We are the first. Tourists generally use it more for relaxation.’ C says.

Although the ‘deal’ is an hour, we sometimes let people lie down for a while when it’s quiet. It can be fifteen minutes or half an hour depending on the population and if there is a line created for sharing everyone can use it. We don’t want anyone to take advantage of it and stay inside forever. “After all, use on dates is prohibited, personal use is the only option,” stresses Chi.

The manager points out that the Spanish concept of siesta is mostly used by foreigners. “This is because they walk around Barcelona all day, come here hungry and then want to eat a little and rest. They are very grateful for this opportunity,” said C.

Since its inception, after the first wave of interested visitors, it has already attracted a steady clientele, including employees living in nearby offices and outside Barcelona. They often have to get up early to go to the office. During their lunch break, they eat here and rest for a while before going to work.

Food is also of course important and in that respect Lobster Roll is a special restaurant. The menu focuses mainly on foods eaten on the coast of America. Their seafood sandwich, completely homemade, is unmatched by any other restaurant in town.

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