Tennessee Titans coach Mike Wrapel says Kamal will release Korea if it does not trade

Nashville, Den. – Outside the linebacker, after frustration in a limited role with the Tennessee Titans Kamal Korea Has demanded a trade. Titans coach Mike Wrabpel said the team would respect Korea’s request for a fresh start elsewhere.

“John and I both talked to Kamale and told him he would be released. Something might change if a group left, but for now we plan to go in a different direction,” Wrapel said.

After Tennessee lost to Kansas City leaders at the AFC Championships last year, Wrofel identified himself as one of the players who exemplified how he wants Korea to play with great effort. So far this season, Korea has played 38 photos (14%) for defense, with 23 special teams taking part in three games.

On September 30, the Titans removed Korea from the Reserve / Govt-19 list on Tuesday.

The Titans, who won 42-16 against the Buffalo Bills on Tuesday night, were matched only by three outfielders. But second-year revenue is expected outside the tax bracket Derrick Roberson Employees are convinced that their list is deep enough to go from Korea.

When Roberson returns, he will join the Titans cycle in the line baker he already includes Vic Beasley Jr.., Harold Laundry And Jadvian Clooney.

Tennessee signed a one-year, $ 2.5 million contract with Korea in April. The Baltimore Ravens’ second-round draft exam of 2016 was bought by the Titans in exchange for the sixth-round pick until 2019.

Korea finished last year with five excuses in the regular season and added two more in the latter season. After the team signed Beasley to a $ 9.5 million one-year deal, he was confident he would continue to win this year, even though he knew he needed to get his place back.

“I don’t expect anything because nothing is handed to you. You have to go out there. Practically every day, every week you have to earn in the game,” Korea said in August.

During training camp, Korea primarily served with first-team defense, while Beasley was on the Physically Impaired (PUP) list. Korea’s share fell after signing with Tennessee Clooney in September.

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