Student Well-Being Roundtable | House of Representatives of the States General

The Committee for Education, Culture and Science is organizing a round table on student well-being on Thursday 9 March from 2.00 p.m. to 4.15 p.m.

Students walk in opposite directions in a hall at The Hague University of Applied Sciences.

Follow live

The meeting will take place in the Thorbeckezaal of the House of Representatives. You can go live through this website watching Or listen or look through the practice Debate Direct app and website.


You can browse songs belonging to this meeting. No verbatim record is made of the roundtable.


MPs Van der Molen (CDA) and Kwint (SP) took the initiative to organize this round table on student welfare.


In recent years, the subject of student welfare has increasingly appeared on the agenda of the Chamber. Mandated by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Trimbos Institute, in collaboration with the RIVM and the GGD GHOR Netherlands a Mental Health and Addictions Monitor for Higher Education Students released. It shows that students are struggling with performance pressure, loneliness and other mental issues.

Causes of mental problems and possible solutions

By organizing this roundtable, the committee wants to learn more about the underlying causes of students’ mental problems and what can be done about it. The following points will be discussed during the round table:
– the underlying causes of performance pressure, loneliness and other mental problems of students in higher education and vocational education;
– possible solutions to the mental problems of students in higher education and vocational education.


Block 1 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

  • Damiaan Denys, philosopher and works as a psychiatrist in the department of psychiatry at the UMC in Amsterdam.
  • Jolien Dopmeijer, project manager for students at the Trimbos Institute and also one of the project managers of the National Mental Health and Substance Use Monitor for students in higher education, commissioned by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and VWS.
  • Farid Tabarki, founder of Studio Zeitgeist who studies the changing zeitgeist and the associated (social) consequences. President of the Youth Perspective Platform.
  • Mariken Leurs, Head of the Center for Health and Society at RIVM.

Block 2 3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.

  • Kimberley Snijders, president of the NJR (National Youth Council Association), is part of the SER Youth Platform.
  • Frederieke Vriends, director of the MIND Us organization.
  • Justin Kersseboom, vice-president of the Youth Organization for Vocational Education (JOB).
  • Koen Vos, Practor Broad Education at Firda, an ROC created by the merger of ROC Friese Poort and Friesland College.

Position papers

A number of guests have submitted a so-called position paper, in which they outline their vision and views. You can see that here.

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