Spotify launches a virtual DJ with a “very realistic voice”

The new function dj has according to Spotify a ‘surprisingly realistic’ computer voice, commenting on the songs. It only plays songs that the streaming service thinks the user will like. For example, the virtual DJ can say something about an artist or how a song came about.

The feature combines the latest music with old user favorites. “Maybe even that song you haven’t heard in years will pop up again,” Spotify said.

The virtual DJ constantly adjusts the choice of music based on user feedback. The more users listen and tell the DJ what they like and dislike, the better the recommendations will be.

Open AI

Spotify is also using OpenAI’s technology to “increase the knowledge” of human collaborators working on the feature, such as music experts, editors, data analysts and screenwriters. OpenAI is the software company that rose to prominence with the much-discussed chatbot ChatGPT.

The technology becomes according to Spotify used to create “accurate and culturally relevant commentary snippets”.

voice model

The DJ’s computer voice is created using the AI ​​voice platform from Sonantic, a company Spotify acquired last year. The voice model is based on the voice of host Xavier ‘X’ Jernigan. Spotify wants to offer more choices of different voices later.

The DJ section can be found in a special music stream map, available from the home page of the Spotify app on iOS and Android. For now, the feature is only available in the United States and Canada. It is not yet known when the DJ function will arrive in other countries.

Spotify has been offering users personalized playlists based on their musical tastes for years, such as Discover Weekly, Release Radar and Daily Mixes. Also popular is the Spotify Wrapped personal annual preview, which was later imitated by competing music services.

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