Spectacular fireball view of Madrid and Segovia

MADRID – A flying fireball was seen flying from Pedrezuela (Madrid) to Navalilla (Segovia). The bullet comes from the impact of an asteroid that flew into the Earth’s atmosphere. It was discovered by the astronomical complex ‘La Hita’ in Toledo. This happened at 2:24 a.m. in the early morning of Monday, March 13.

He phenomenon could have been caused by a piece of space debris entering the Earth’s atmosphere at a speed of 53,000 kilometers per hour. The high speed caused friction and heat, which ignited the fire and made the debris visible as a ball of fire.

According to several sources, the fireball could be seen above Perezuela in Madrid at an altitude of 74 kilometers and from there it continued towards the northeast where the fire died out at an altitude of 33 kilometers above Navalilla in Segovia.

He astronomical complex ‘La Hita’ in La Puebla de Almoradiel in Toledo has captured the theft and will investigate. La Hita’s job is to monitor the skies above us with the goal of recording and studying the impact on Earth’s atmosphere of fragments of various origins from our galaxy entering our atmosphere.

What is a fireball or ‘bola de fuego’?

A meteorite fireball is a bright orb of light that forms when a meteorite enters the Earth’s atmosphere and begins to burn due to friction with air. It is usually white or yellow in color, but can show other colors such as orange, red or green, depending on the composition of the meteorite. Fireballs as meteorites are also known as meteor fireballs and can be a spectacular sight in the night sky, especially when accompanied by a glowing tail and a loud bang when they finally crash into the ground.

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