Special image of white Spain from space

Spanish satellite

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The Spanish capital said Thursday it was asking to be officially declared a disaster area. Much of the country had to contend with a heavy blanket of snow last week due to Storm Filomena and a passing cold front. The photo by the European space agency ESA clearly shows that more than half of the country is covered with a thick layer of snow.

Special images of Spain taken by satellite

On Tuesday, ESA managed to capture an image of Spain from the Sentinel-3 satellite which clearly shows that approximately the half of the earth is completely white. Previously, the information showed that central and northeastern Spain suffered mainly from heavy snowfall and this is reflected very well in the satellite images.

The south of Spain escapes the snow but not the bad weather

Much of Andalusia, Extremadura and the Mediterranean coast escaped snow but suffered heavy rains, such as the region of Malaga. In this area, people even died from the storm. On the region’s mountain peaks and inland, snow took over Sunday and Monday. However, this did not remain as it did elsewhere in Spain.

Madrid requests declaration of disaster area

Madrid remains one of the regions hardest hit by storm Filomena. Many streets are still impassable due to heavy snowfall. According to the Spanish newspaper El País, the municipality of Madrid on Thursday filed a request to declare the Spanish capital as an official disaster zone. According to Mayor Martínez Almeida, the damage in Madrid amounted to “nearly 1.4 billion euros”.

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