Special encounter with rugby superpower All Blacks for grateful Zeeman and Plugge

Merijn Zeeman and Richard Plugge met the All Blacks, the New Zealand rugby team, on Friday. They are currently in England for an international match against this nation, which Jumbo-Visma’s men have been eagerly using.

It’s no secret that Zeeman, Plugge and the rest of the management are part of the sporting culture that prevails in New Zealand and more specifically with the All Blacks, the face of the nation on the other side of the world. James Kerr’s book Legacy (recommended!) has been a “great inspiration” for the cycling team, sporting director Zeeman said earlier this year.

“The process the All Blacks went through is an example for us. It’s the culture we want to have here. This book is so important to us that we gave it to everyone as a Christmas present. it sounded in an interview in March of BikeNews.

“The All-Black culture is about people taking responsibility, whereas the organization is not full of responsibility. It is important that when you are part of the team, you have the task of being critical and of always looking for ways to improve yourself,” Zeeman explained at the time.

Zeeman and Plugge also learned from the All Blacks on Friday

On Friday, the men of Jumbo-Visma therefore met the All Blacks, known worldwide for their exploits in rugby and the performance of the Haka dance before their matches, inspired by Maori culture. Even today, we have learned valuable lessons about leadership, setting the bar high, setting high standards, and creating the right environment. his social networks.

The All Blacks will play their international match against England on Saturday evening at 6:30 p.m. Dutch time, as part of the Autumn Internationals. For those who want to watch the match in the Netherlands: it can be viewed on Ziggo Sports.

=https://twitter.com/merijnzeeman/status/1593698313680846849″ data-service=”twitter”>

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