Sjinkie Knegt slams national coach Niels Kerstholt again after failed substitution: ‘If there’s no plan, you can’t do anything’ | sport

Short track trackFor the short trackers, the relay ended in disappointment in the semi-finals. After numerous positional changes and a communication error from the Dutch team, Itzhak de Laat, Jens van ‘t Wout, Sjinkie Knegt and Friso Emons finished third, behind Canada and China. Knegt was then very critical, also to national coach Niels Kerstholt.

Sjinkie Knegt.
Sjinkie Knegt. © ANP

Knegt said he was “totally surprised” when De Laat didn’t appear on the ice to replace him. De Laat had seen Emons fall and thought he hadn’t been exploited yet. However, it was. De Laat opted to go to Emons to tap, when that had happened before and he should have been ready for a push from Knegt. “I wanted to push Ithzak, but there was no Ithzak,” analyzed Knegt NOS.

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Knegt said things like this can happen, although he thinks it absolutely shouldn’t happen. After being for the past few months was highly critical of national coach Niels Kerstholt, Knegt once again voiced his criticism of Kerstholt after the replacement deception. ,,I think it can be much better, but there is no plan and if there is no plan there is nothing you can do. Yes, there is a plan, but no clear plan. If the national coach comes up with a solid plan, it will also be highly appreciated by the athletes,” Knegt said.

To continue: ,,If you want to act on this level, you have to practice a sequence and not always put a different sequence on the ice. So try this, then this… It must have been a machine and now it’s not a machine anymore. With a permanent team you can compete for prizes, but I don’t remember that we rode with that setup. It does not belong at this level. Indicate.”

Reaction national coach Niels Kerstholt
National coach Niels Kerstholt agreed with criticism from Sjinkie Knegt, who said there were too few automatisms in the team. “Something went wrong. We have to watch this video together. It sucked,” he said. Kerstholt thinks Knegt is right when he says such mistakes can be avoided if one team is used: ,,He may be right, but I also have to try new things and give opportunities to new guys,” said the Dutchman. national coach, who could not yet rejoice in the fact that the women have qualified for the final: “You end up with the men’s relays and it lingers. It’s always double.

Yitzhak the Delay

Ithzak of Lat especially put his hand in his own bosom: ,,Get out of this building as soon as possible? Yeah, and if there’s a door in the way, I’ll kick it all the way in,” the short tracker said, sounding a little disappointed. “I’m just disappointed. It has never happened to me like this in ten years. , I just lost When I saw Sjinkie cross out of the corner of my eye, I realized I had made a big mistake,” said De Laat, who also heard Knegt’s criticism.


In the past, the tasks were clearer and we were better at listening, but I mostly blame myself for that

Ithzak of Laat

“There’s no plan? Well, we’ve had one for the last five or six years constant relay team where everyone listened to each other. We have never exchanged as much as this year. In the past, the tasks were clearer and we were better at listening to each other, but I mostly blame myself for that.

Slot machine driver Van ‘t Wout later protested due to his Chinese competitor being impeded, but this did not result in an adjustment to the result, so the B final remained for the team. Orange. ,,I was a little moved, because the Chinese put his hand in front of me. It was just an arm block, or I’m crazy. But the jury saw it differently. Stupid to end like this. We were number one and I looked away for a moment, then suddenly we were number three. It was chaos. We’re super strong, but it just doesn’t work.”

Short trackers whistling to the final

The short runners reached the relay final at the World Cup in South Korea. In the semi-finals, Suzanne Schulting, Xandra Velzeboer, Selma Poutsma and Yara van Kerkhof edged out teams from Canada and the United States. Velzeboer, Schulting and Poutsma had less than an hour earlier all podium places occupied in the 500 meters. Velzeboer extended his world title in Seoul. Schulting took silver after already winning the 1,500 meters world title earlier Saturday morning. The relay final will follow on Sunday.

Calendar (each event can be clicked for results)

(Intermediate) World Cup ranking season 2022-2023

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