Sending Trump campaign planning message to fuel election questions

Two sources suggest that one of the ways it is planned to do so is to show the condolences of the people who allegedly voted in the election and to have campaign-style rallies to spread the word.

The goal of these efforts is to raise enough doubts about the results that state secretaries on the battlefield feel they are being pressured to open investigations or call for reconsideration – which will prolong the process and give the campaign more time to pursue its case. Through the courts.

So far, no evidence has been added to support the widespread fraud allegations in the cases presented by the campaign. Nothing put forward by the campaign officials will change the effect in any state.

CNN’s previous fact-finding mission on the death toll in Michigan has come under scrutiny over the claims of Trump’s family members and a handful of key Republicans, including former House Speaker Newt Kingch and former National Intelligence Director Richard Grenell. A CNN analysis of the claim and its support No event was found for that to have happened.

One idea that will be thrown around the campaign is whether it can run the clock enough to present Republican voters in the key states where President-elect Joe Biden won the popular vote. State laws differ on whether voters can be appointed who do not reflect the will of the people. It is not clear how seriously this idea is being considered.

Axios It first reported on the planned presentation of the funeral and the upcoming rallies to cast doubt on the results.

Campaign aides told CNN ahead of election day that the post-election drive, which included anything from rent-seeking to rallies, was possible as the results appeared early on November 3. But despite the president’s refusal to acknowledge the loss, Biden took the lead in several states.

Many aides around the president want him to continue to fight – not for a change of outcome that is considered impossible by experts at this point, but to trust Trump supporters who are hungry for a fight against decisions they do not make later. However, some of those around Trump, such as son-in-law Jared Kushner and first lady Melania Trump, should discuss Admit his failure, Sources told CNN this weekend. But others are urging Trump not to give up.
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Although Trump does not appear to be personally convinced that he will ever win, someone familiar with the plans said he would like to continue the struggle to closely examine the ballots.

“Above all, our concern is to provoke Trump further, not provoke him,” the official said.

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