Sacha Baron Cohen defends Trump’s accusation, Giuliani breaks the scene

Warning: Below are some of the spoilers for “Port Next Movie”.

British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen retaliated President Donald Trump And his lawyer Rudy Giuliani On Stephen Colbert’s “The Late Show” on Monday.

On Trump’s accusation that he was a “creep” and a “pony”, Baron Cohen said: “I knew when he was hanging out with his good friend Jeffrey Epstein that they spent a lot of time on how creepy I was. Yes, I’m a professional pony like him.”

Baron Cohen recalled that Trump was interviewed in his Ali Ji incarnation several years ago and later revealed that he was not seen by the president, even though he said he would do so. He also said that Trump’s “face dropped” when he realized that the track-suit-wearing Ali Ji personality would interview him, rather than the tweet-jacketed “Etonian” British show producer.

Baron Cohen’s movie “Ford Next Moviefilm” on Amazon Prime Video . In the scene, Tudor, posing as a conservative television journalist, interviews the former mayor of New York City in a hotel room. They eventually go to a bedroom, where Giuliani is asked to say, “You can give me your phone number and your address.” Borat eventually burst into the room, “She’s 15. She’s old to you.”

Giuliani later denied that he had done anything outrageous, saying he was simply pulling on his shirt. Colbert asked, “Do you have anything to say to Rudy Giuliani about drinking whiskey in a bedroom called a teenage girl and zipping your pants up and down?”

“Well, he said he did nothing inappropriate, you know, and if he finds it appropriate, my feeling is that heaven knows what he wants to do with a glass of whiskey in hand with other women in hotel rooms,” Baron Cohen said.

The comedian said there were shelves measuring 6 feet 5 and 3 feet wide, with an internal lock, in the room through a specially built closet. “I was there for the whole scene. My only way of communicating is that I will go out to the point where I need to. I know what [Giuliani] He was texting the director, ”said Baron Cohen, who later joked that his phone only had a 3% battery when he disappeared.

He also mentioned that Giuliani had brought a security guard with him for the interview, who was a former guard who had wiped the entire room, including the wardrobe, before the interview.

“Rudy just thought she was alone with him,” Baron Cohen explained. “The security guard, the ex-guard, sits outside the room and makes sure no one can come in. It’s really scary, when you think about it, for her.”

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