René van der Gijp laughs off the attention on Gordon’s breakup

In recent weeks, the showbiz-loving Netherlands have been left in upheaval by the breakdown of Gordon’s relationship with Gavin Rozario, 24 years his junior. Bee inside today, and in particular René van der Gijp, they find all this media attention a bit exaggerated. “I don’t think anyone cares.”

In case you missed it by some miracle: the singer was going to marry Rozario, but that engagement didn’t last long. Gordon said on Instagram that he was “emotionally and mentally broken”. He also dropped that he and Rozario were no longer in contact after four months of intensive contact and that he felt “someone is dying”.

In private unpacks today with an eight-page interview with Rozario. The Aussie says he broke off his short-term engagement with Gordon because he couldn’t handle the singer and presenter’s mood swings. “One minute he’s completely bragging on you, the next he’s completely tearing you down and insulting you to the bone,” he said, among other things. Gordon’s addiction also reportedly resurfaced.

Today Inside discusses Gordon’s relationship breakdown

The split is widely reported in the media. So came Show news yesterday with a new ‘twist’: Rozario reportedly hasn’t worked at Burberry’s Melbourne store since February, which Gordon claimed. Presenter Wilfred Genee receives this news in the latest episode of inside today On. “Damn it,” says René van der Gijp. “Yeah, did that shock you too when you heard that?” It’s amazing,” Genee said. “These are problems too, of course,” Van der Gijp says with a sense of sarcasm.

The playful analyst is surprised by the attention paid to the rupture. “So you have this Aran Bade from Boulevard RTL. It’s put over there.” Johan Derksen defends Bade. “He’s a very nice boy, you know.” Van der Gijp continues unperturbed. “He’s on Gordon 24 hours a day.” he sits on Gordon than on me,” jokes Derksen.

Van der Gijp: “Make it really big at RTL Boulevard”

According to Van der Gijp, Baden takes this very seriously. “He wags his tail every night BoulevardHe is so happy to be here. He’s in touch with everyone, isn’t he? With Gabin. With Gavin’s sister. With Gordon and with Gordon’s sister. They’re both upset about it, so we know that,” he laughs. “What I love so much is that she has it Boulevard RTL make it really big. While I don’t think anyone cares.” But that means Van der Gijp can also enjoy it again.

Genee also sees the humor in it. “Evert Santegoeds too, who seriously says, ‘We put all our writing into it. Gavin does not work at Burberry.’ Derksen: “They see it as a real first. But I think everyone is so tired of Gordon that no one sleeps a minute less than him. Van der Gijp: “That’s why it’s so nice to see this Aran Bade. He really says it like, “Just take it to New Zealand, Australia and America.” It really is something. And it’s nothing. It makes it wonderful to watch, all that nonsense.

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Rene van der Gijp mocks attention to Gordon breakup: ‘It’s nothing’

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