Random: Can you hear it? Sounds like Super Mario Galaxy 2 music in 3D All-Stars

Super Mario Galaxy 2

If you look at the latest episode of Nintendo Minute, You will find out about the release next week Super Mario 3D All-Stars. There is even Some Its scenes and well … part of this video can be said to have sent the audience into a frenzy.

You see 20 second mark, There is a clip on the title screen of the game that plays the music Super Mario Galaxy 2. Below is the cut version of the video:

ReamDreamcastGuy “The Super Mario 3D All-Stars Collection uses Super Mario Galaxy 2 music on the opening screen, but Nintendo has refused to put the Mario Galaxy 2 in the collection.

Nintendo Switch Subtitled User Littleleaf2 Mentioned how “SMG2 Remix of Power Star Theme” played instead of the original clip Super Mario Galaxy One.

“Nintendo showed the title screen they use in the minute 3D All-Stars game SMG2 A remix of the Power Star theme, by contrast SMG1. “

Of course, this is only the audio correction of the Nintendo minute.

Excellent recommendations – YouTube channel operator Modern vintage gamer, Also pointed out how the same introduction took place Super Mario 64 On the widescreen, the game in the All-Stars version is actually a classic 4: 3 resolution.

“Wide screen Mario 64 and Galaxy 2 music during launch? Nintendo is messing with us now”

So, what do you think about this invention? Assuming this is not edited, is it a sign of things to come? Share your thoughts below.

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