Photoshop’s sky-switching tool makes it easy to fake a perfect sunset

Adobe is preparing to add an AI-powered sky replacement tool to Photoshop, making it easy to change the sky on any image in just a few clicks. Company Previewed the tool on YouTube It is scheduled for October 20-22, ahead of its Adobe Max conference.

The tool uses machine learning to automatically identify the front and back of a tool, saving people from having to create complex masks to separate the two. You can mount in many dramatically preset skies, and the algorithms that match the new skies will automatically change the temperature and humidity of the front. For example, if you add in a warm, golden sunset, it will refresh the rest of your image to match.

Adobe is not the first company to offer this type of tool. AI-powered image editor provided by Luminaire One click sky alternative Since last year, for example. But this is the latest example of Adobe improving its primary image editor with the help of machine learning.

On the edgeArt groups had mixed feelings about the instrument. They thought the color-fit was good, but were careful in evaluating the feature from a simple demo video. Like any company that demoes a new product, Adobe is only going to take the most commendable examples. However, they noticed that Adobe’s automatic cutout tools generally work well, and of course make this type of editing much easier.

The Sky Alternative feature is very useful for Instagram influencers, who always want to create the perfect travel scene. Last year, he was criticized after being found to be an influencer Using fake clouds in his photos. She later said that she was always outspoken Editing his pictures But many more types may be needed. “Maybe I should change the sky I take – but I like the one I use!” He added. Photoshop might help.

Adobe has not said when this new feature will be added to Photoshop, but may ask for more details at the company’s upcoming Max conference.

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