Orca who lay half dead in the Danish fjord for a month found alive | Outstanding

A killer whale that lay more dead than alive in a Danish fjord for a month last year has been found alive and kicking near Sweden. The animal was recognized by its distinctive collapsed fin.

The animal washed up on a sandbar in a fjord in the Danish region of North Jutland last year. The dolphin-like animal was showing all sorts of signs of illness and experts believed the killer whale would not survive.

The call went up to get the animal out of its misery. But the Danish organization Dolphins in Denmark believed in a rescue operation, despite the seagulls already pecking at the killer whale. The animal was pushed back into the water. After that, it was long uncertain if the orca had survived.

So far. Swedish observers had been observing the animal for some time, but could not yet say with 100% certainty that it was the same killer whale. On Friday, the animal was spotted again near the Swedish city of Gothenburg. When experts saw the killer whale’s distinctive collapsed fin, they were sure it was the same killer whale.

Experts attribute the discovery to the Danish TV channel TV2 as “world news”. According to experts, this shows that you should always try to save stranded dolphins or whales, even if they appear to be dying.

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