Of the fines imposed on the first weekend of the new NYC lockout, more than 150,000

Authorities cracked down on some corona virus hotspots in the city this weekend, including meetings or masking and social needs.

Among those summoned by the New York City Sheriff was a restaurant and at least five places of worship in the city’s “red zones,” where the corona virus infection rate is the highest. Sheriff Joseph Pusito said a summons was issued for each of those places, which could result in a fine of up to $ 15,000.

In total, for the first time the authorities issued 62 tickets and fined more than 000 150,000, the new restrictions came into effect, The New York City government Twitter account said Sunday.

The city has been battling its worst epidemic since the virus first struck five major cities in March. Since mid-August, city and state officials say Larger meetings and less social distance There have been an increase in new cases in the pockets of Brooklyn and Queens, many of which are in the vicinity of Orthodox Jews. The government has asked Andrew M to impose new restrictions on large gatherings and essential businesses in some parts of the city. Provoked Cumo.

The moment has already put the city on the brink of a tense situation as doctors, experts and health officials express growing concern about the second wave of the virus this winter. It also underscores the challenges city officials face in preventing hotspots from growing in small communities before the virus spreads to other parts of the city.

Heshi Dishler, one of the Orthodox Jews who led the protests against the restrictions, was arrested Sunday night by a police warrant team, a police official said. Mr. Dishler, a talk radio personality, Fees are expected to be charged During a fight last week a Jewish journalist and an arson attack on Jacob kornplu with unlawful imprisonment, police said.

Mr. When Cuomo announced a new administrative order imposing restrictions last week, some religious leaders expressed strong opposition because the cases were constantly climbing into the pockets of Brooklyn and Queens, where large populations of Orthodox Jews live.

Orthodox Jewish community The corona is destroyed by the virus In the spring, when local authorities and radical Orthodox news agencies reported that hundreds of people, including beloved religious leaders, may have died.

The new restrictions are an even more significant setback for the city’s recovery, turning successful reopens accepted by much of New York from the most restrained early days of epidemics this spring.

Mr. According to Cumo’s executive order, places of worship in high-infection neighborhoods – or “red zones” – are only 25 percent efficient or limited to a maximum of 10 people. Elsewhere, though rates are low, at risk, “orange zones” are 33 percent effective and “yellow zones” 50 percent.

“I understand the desire to hold big religious festivals. I understand how important this is to their culture and to their religion, ”he said. Cuomo said in a phone call with reporters Sunday. “I also understand that this is a matter that endangers human life.”

Amid reports that several synagogues have publicly violated government orders and conducted services in person, the governor urged rabbis and other Jewish leaders to encourage their allies to stay at home. Jewish Teaching, Mr. Kumo allows religious ceremonies to be postponed for health and safety reasons.

“The virus is likely to spread,” he said.

While the positive rate was 5.7 percent in the state’s 20 “red zone” neighborhoods, the positive rate was less than 1 percent in other parts of New York State, and those clusters were excluded.

Mr. Guomo Order TuesdayThis, in turn, preceded the Jewish holiday of Sukot and the Simhat Torah, which provoked an immediate setback in the city’s Orthodox Jewish neighborhood, where religious leaders Mr. Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio accused him of targeting religious minorities.

A new Orthodox organization has filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging the constitution of the new rules. Demonstrations took place in the Borough Park area of ​​Brooklyn, where hundreds of protesters – most of them Orthodox men, most of whom did not wear masks – The masks burned in the street

But on Friday, a federal court ruled in favor of the new state rules Can move forward, Refers to the responsibility of the authorities to keep “all New Yorkers” safe.

“How can we ignore the compulsive state interest in protecting the health and lives of all New Yorkers?” Judge Kyo A. of Federal District Court in Brooklyn. Matsumoto said.

The Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn has filed a separate lawsuit against the new regulations, saying it will force the closure of several churches in the metropolis. In that case a judge ruled that the governor’s order could go ahead.

The sheriff’s office declined to say whether the places of worship quoted this weekend were churches, chapels, mosques or other religious institutions.

The office was also broken An Illegal Rave in Cunningham ParkIn Queens, more than 110 people gathered to break city rules. Sheriff Fusito said the event organizers were cited and charged with violating the health code.

Sheriff Fuccito, one of the few city agencies responsible for enforcing the new rules, said his agents rarely cite individuals if they comply with requests to wear or adhere to the best social distance.

“If they put on a mask, we won’t write a ticket for it,” he said. Most of the quotes written by his office include multiple violations or disgusting disregard for city rules.

Protests among the Orthodox community seemed mild over the weekend, with no major demonstrations taking place.

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