Nord Stream 2 ‘for now’ continues to be supported by Germany

Germany is “currently” behind the construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that runs from Russia to Germany. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has previously condemned Russia’s expulsion of Swedish, German and Polish ambassadors.

Russia last month accused ambassadors of participating in illegal protests surrounding the arrest of opposition leader and Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny. Merkel called the deportation “unjustified” and called Moscow’s decision one step further from the rule of law.

The German Foreign Ministry reportedly invited the Russian ambassador to an emergency meeting. The German position would have been explicitly clarified to the Russian. The German position on Nord Stream 2 is not currently affected by the riots. “It’s a plan you know the federal government’s position on,” Merkel said. The German government has previously stated that the gas pipeline connection provides a direct and secure energy supply.

Germany recently gave permission to restart the pipeline project after the previous permit expired. With the Nord Stream 2, the capacity of the Nort Stream gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea doubles.

The United States is opposed to this construction. The US government wants the Russian government to stop believing in Russian gas because the Russians have influence in Western Europe. Washington has repeatedly threatened sanctions against companies involved in laying the pipeline. One of these is the oil and gas group shell. European countries such as Poland and Ukraine are also strongly opposed to the plan.

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