National coach Tedesco is satisfied, but still sees room for improvement: ‘We have to maintain the quality for 90 minutes’

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The Red Devils also won their second international game under Domenico Tedesco. The new national coach is satisfied but also sees room for improvement.

Jens Heilen

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“Yes, I’m satisfied after these two victories,” Tedesco said afterwards. VTM. “Not only with the result, but also with the way we played. Especially in the first half. The first 30, 35 minutes were very good. Only we should have finished the game in the first half”, is honest Tedesco.

“I wanted my players to show courage, play forward and claim the ball, even when Germany put pressure on us. We have the players for that. We have to believe in our own strengths, but we have to maintain the quality we bring for 90 minutes. And that’s the problem,” Tedesco continues. “In the second half we fell too far back, it wasn’t as expected. We also wanted to keep moving forward. We made a few mistakes. So we have to maintain the quality longer.

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“The players have qualities, they can play freely here and have the right to make mistakes. The most important thing is that they grow as a team and as individuals. We must help them and guide them in this. I am very satisfied with players like Johan Bakayoko and Roméo Lavia. I think he made his debut. We must continue to support them. Like many others in Belgium. But now we have to keep working hard until June,” Tedesco said.

Tedesco is the first Belgian national coach since René Vandereycken in 2006 to win his first two games. Only Raymond Goethals did better in 1968 with 3 victories.

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