municipality presents its environmental vision | The latest news from Groenlo


“With lots of contributions from residents and organizations”

By Kyra Broshuis

OOST GELRE – This is not a subject that immediately appeals to the imagination: the Environmental Vision. Nevertheless, it is an important document, says Alderman Jos Hoenderboom. “We have a lot ahead of us in the years to come. All of this should have its place. Residents, associations and organizations were able to share their ideas during evening debates. There were a lot of comments and all of this was incorporated into the vision.

The environmental vision focuses on the question: what will East Gelre look like in 2040. In this environmental vision, the municipality describes how it envisions the development of the municipality, and what opportunities and challenges exist. Traffic, work, public space, habitat, nature and environment, health, rural spaces: everything related to the physical living environment is covered.

A real working community
Green and Connected; this is the title given to the document. “East Gelre is a beautiful green community where it is good to live, work and relax. We would like it to stay that way,” he said. In the years to come, we will face major challenges such as sustainability and energy, a healthy economy and improving good accessibility. Hoenderboom greatly appreciates the strong active community in East Gelre. “It really is a hard-working municipality, with a lot of entrepreneurial spirit. With more than 800 jobs per 1000 inhabitants, we are at the top of the list. Moreover, after the Eindhoven region, we have here the most patents in terms of innovative developments. It really is something special. We want to maintain this leading position. More people now come to the municipality for work than to leave.

Marienvelde as an example
The municipality has ambitious building plans. “Not only for our own needs, but also to keep everything we have here running smoothly. A lot of things happen to us, we will have to accept a lot of things, but we want to approach this in an intelligent way, with the inhabitants and the entrepreneurs. This is why this environmental vision, which has not yet been adopted by the council, is not a diktat but rather an invitation to give substance to future projects together. Hoenderboom cites the BMV (large social facility) in Mariënvelde as a good example. “The inhabitants of Mariënvelde already took the initiative of the BMV themselves in 2015. And why should we at the town hall know better what is good for the village than the inhabitants themselves? This is the attitude we want to continue.

5 goals
The vision for East Gelre 2040 has been defined in 5 objectives. This implies close and livable centers, room for entrepreneurship, good accessibility, a healthy and safe living environment and an attractive rural area “full of life”.

Curious to know what our town should look like in 2040? The municipality invites every inhabitant and every entrepreneur to think about it. And to unite the goals with your own actions and choices. “Every four years, we will adapt the environmental vision to new developments and ambitions. In this way, the vision always remains an up-to-date evaluation framework. This is how we will create East Gelre together in 2040,” says Hoenderboom.

More information is available on the municipality’s website. On the website you can consult the draft environmental vision of April 28, 2023 under the plan number NL.IMRO.1586.SV00004-OW01. You can also consult the documents by appointment at the town hall of Lichtenvoorde, Varsseveldseweg 2. You make an appointment via the telephone number (0544) 39 35 35.

Do you respond to the environmental vision project? This is possible for 6 weeks during the inspection period from April 28 to June 8, 2023. You can send your written comments to the municipal executive, BP 17, 7130 AA Lichtenvoorde, indicating “environmental vision design”. Prefer to submit an oral review? Please contact the Territorial Planning and Economy department on the telephone number (0544) 39 35 35.

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