Motok Scenes: Hulu Marvel with Robot Chicken

Villains en vogue. On the heels of HBO Max Harley Quinn, And walking on the path listed by the late adult swimming series The Venture Brothers., Hulu’s new comedy Motok Imagine the trials and tribulations of a mobile creature designed only to kill. Fortunately, the story is completely outside the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and in the world writer-actor Patton Oswald can go in all sorts of directions.

In 2020 New York Comic Con, Oswald and co-creator Jordan Pum took the stage to express their vision for taking on Marvel villainy.

“He’s a supervisor who hates Marvel heroes, but hates all the other villains,” Oswald explained to the group. “He’s not even D-Level. He g. It’s a double barrel of resentment in every episode. ”

Bloom teased the organization: “Modok is hell-bent on capturing the world with science with his evil organization AIM […] In our show, Modok has been trying for years to do this, but he is driving his evil system to the ground. ”

The creators were tighter than the actual decks in the store Motok, Oswald Marvel was careful enough to say that he would find characters from all over the universe – including X-Men comics – who deserved to be threatened.

Motok There is currently no release date, but Marvel fans can get a taste of the comedy in the first clip, which was screened during the band.

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