Microsoft restarted my Windows 10 PC to install more unwanted applications

I left my computer for dinner, halfway through writing a story On the edge. When I got back, I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Windows 10 restarted my computer without permission – to install another mandatory OS update on my solid state drive.

Strange part: My machine is finished restarting and now it is That’s the right thing I was writing Before I was rudely interrupted. I had installed unsolicited, unwanted web application versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook on my computer.

Screenshot of web applications that Microsoft must install on my computer.

Seriously, the story you are reading now started as a news post about it Others People.
Screenshot: Sean Hollister / The Edge

Well, not as bad as capturing my entire computer screen with an unwanted copy of Microsoft Edge. It was really great.

No, this time Microsoft is storing unwanted web applications on my computer – and using my Windows 10 Start menu as a free advertising space. Although I never installed Office on this computer, did I mention that the icons for Microsoft Office applications magically appear in my Start menu?

My new Start menu contains shortcuts for Microsoft applications that I have not installed
Screenshot: Sean Hollister / The Edge

These are not full free copies of the office. They are shortcuts to the web version that you already have access to on any web browser of your choice, which doubles as paid ads for a more fully featured copy.

Since they are web applications, they do not seem to take up any space on my computer and I do not mind them in my start menu. They’re one of the few attacking plotware I’ve ever seen, and I never see the Start menu – my taskbar and search bar have been around for a long time.

Nevertheless, the latest proof that Microsoft does not respect your own computer rights is the latest example of installing anything desired in the Microsoft Windows update. Including plotware, And Microsoft is the latest example of people caring more about the grassroots than just a few May lose their job When Windows suddenly shuts down their computer. Fortunately, I did not lose any work today, but a friend of mine recently did:

Microsoft thinks our computers are free advertising space, a place where they can selfishly promote their other products – even though they were told in the 90s that compiling a web browser was not okay. Now, they compile a browser that you can not uninstall and a set of PWA web applications that start in the same browser. (Yes, they shoot the edge even if you set another browser by default.)

As I have argued before, such decisions undermine one another Good Microsoft actually has mandatory updates – they provide important security patches that keep computers (yours and others) safe. This is a tough argument when the most visible difference after a new update is an attempt to make more money!

Like ZDNet Senior Microsoft reporter Mary Joe Foley mentions, This is not a test for some Windows insiders. I did not register with the Windows Insider program on this computer. The company is not yet designed to respond to Foley’s requests to comment, but we’ll see if that changes next week.

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