Measured for the first time the seismic waves passing through the core of Mars

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A new study provides unique insight into the composition of Mars’ liquid core. It helps researchers better understand how the planet formed and formed.

In this study, a large international team of scientists recorded for the first time how sound waves travel through the core of Mars. An analysis of these seismic waves captured by NASA’s InSight Mars lander, which were created by an earthquake and a meteorite impact, shows that the liquid core of Mars is denser and smaller than it seems. thought before.

1780 to 1810 kilometers to be exact. They were also able to demonstrate that the composition of the core contains an alloy of iron with a significant proportion of sulfur and oxygen.

The discovery was a combination of waiting for the right data, a bit of luck, and decades of hard work by researchers from different disciplines. The results help understand how the formation of Mars differs from the formation of Earth.

New theories about the conditions under which the planet must have formed can now be compared to the properties of the core to see if they are correct.

Read more: Scientists detect seismic waves passing through the Martian core for the first time.

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