Make money with a pedometer for a week: 4 apps tested

It sounds too good to be true: making money doing something you do every day. Online, there are various apps and services that offer you cash and discount cards if you do enough legwork. Does it really work? And if so, how much will it bring you and how much will it cost you?

Read on after the announcement.

We test these pedometer apps

How do you know if a walking rewards app is worth it? To do this, we test different applications for a week. After this week we will review the results and calculate how much you can earn over a longer period. The Google Play Store apps we test are SamenGezond, Sweatcoin, Winwalk, and Asr Vitality.

Asr Vitality

Asr Vitality and SamenGezond are applications developed by several mutuals. Asr Vitality can only be used if you are insured with Asr or Ditzo. The service costs you 3.50 euros per month and rewards you with vouchers after reaching your exercise goal per week.

asr Vitality


healthy together

SamenGezond has a partnership with Menzis, Anderzorg and Hema. This app is free and rewards you with lottery tickets. You earn this by reaching a weekly goal with walking and sports. The more tickets there are, the more chances you have of winning a monthly prize.


With Sweatcoin, you also get rewarded for moving. This in the form of Sweatcoins. The more you move, the more coins you have. You spend these coins through the in-app store. You can do this with discount codes, but you can also donate your hard-earned “coins” to a number of charities.


Finally, there is Winwalk. The app is clear and only keeps track of your steps. At the end of the day, you get coins for it. Also here, the more you walk, the more coins you get. Do you want even more coins? Then you can also get there by other means. For example, invite a friend or complete a survey and you will be rewarded.

winwalk: walk and earn rewards


Results after one week

It’s a week after installing the applications on our smartphone and the time to analyze the results. We walked for six days and took an average of 6533 steps per day. With this entry, the applications provided results which we divide into “good” and “not good”.

sweat patch


Among the four vitality apps, two stood out, namely Asr Vitality and Sweatcoin. With both you earn fairly “fair” points. For example, after a few days we already had enough Sweatcoins for coupons of 10 to 70% on sports products from major brands.

There are also auctions you can participate in, but they run into thousands of sweatcoins. We will then work at our own pace for about 13 years. Overall, the app is great for making a small profit from your steps, but sadly it’s not a big cash cow.

In our opinion, Asr Vitality has the most comprehensive package. If you reach your weekly goal, you will receive a Vitality Point. With such a point you already get a gift voucher worth 5 euros. If you reach your weekly goals four weeks in a row, you already save 20 euros. Does savings at a discount give you the most motivation? Then Asr Vitality is the best way to get you moving.

Not good

The two reverses of our test are Winwalk and SamenGezond. SamenGezond’s weekly goals are easy to achieve, but – from a savings perspective – less rewarding than other apps. You only have one chance to win a prize pool.

Consider a or Coolblue gift card. Sounds cool, but with over 100,000 downloads, the odds of winning are very slim. The app is also not technically optimal. User reviews report issues with GPS, routes, and pedometer. We therefore do not recommend the app.


Winwalk plays the game a little differently. The app is clear and focuses on walking, but seems aimed at something else. The application displays advertisements in front of you in all possible ways. An example: after a day of walking, you get points, but before you can collect them, an advertisement appears.

The app also makes it much more attractive to play games, take surveys, or download other apps in exchange for points. For example, a ten-minute quiz gives a hundred times more than a week’s walk. And that’s good, because a 10 euro discount card costs 17,000 points. Walking alone will take you a long time. The purpose of the application changes, you give your information for free and you walk less. So not recommended.

Cost and recommendation

At Winwalk, it is therefore clear that you “earn” discount cards by watching advertisements and giving your information. The free Sweatcoin app also earns ads, but in return offers a fair supply of discount cards. SamenGezond is also free, but you probably won’t earn anything in return.

asr Vitality rewards exercise

For Asr Vitality, you must be affiliated with Asr or Ditzo health insurance and you pay 3.50 per month. You can very well get that monthly amount out of it, as long as you exercise enough. This doesn’t mean that you have to switch to a new health insurance company immediately, but if you are already with Asr or Ditzo, this application is definitely worth it.

More Useful Android Apps

Want to learn more about handy Android apps from the Google Play Store? For example, how to refuel cheaper or take a better screenshot? Then check out our application page. Additionally, we have implemented android planet every week the nicest, weirdest or most useful apps and games for you in a row. Curious? So check them out below.

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