Lesbian lovers were killed and the man cut off to steal the inheritance

A couple inspired by the showtime series killer TV series “Dexter” are said to have murdered and hacked a man by Portuguese lesbian men, cutting off his fingers to access his bank account and stealing more than $ 77,000.

Maria Malviro, 19, and her girlfriend Mariana Fonseca, 23, a nurse, were convicted of the murder of 21-year-old hotel worker Diego Goncalves in Portugal earlier this year.

The gruesome details of Goncalves’ murder came to light as prosecutors prepared to prosecute Malviro and Fonseka.

Investigators say Concalves strangled her on March 18 and two women cut off her fingers to access her bank account from her cell phone and swipe money using her prints. Reported the sun, Quoting the Portuguese media.

The sun says he had his head, forearms, arms and legs for five days after the women cut off the concave and killed him and threw his body into the sea.

They then threw his body parts into the sea from rocks in the town of Socrates in Algarve, the report says.

Local media reported that this heinous crime took place after Malviro seduced Concalves.

He took advantage of the fact that Concalves was attracted to him, and gave him an orange juice as an anesthetic.

It is alleged that the women spent three days from March 20 to 23 sending messages from Concalves’ Facebook account to deceive co-workers and friends into believing she was still alive.

Investigators found Goncalves’ body in dry land, eventually leaving vital traces.

Malviro is said to have confessed to a local judge who questioned him and Fonesca after the crime inspired by the American “Dexter” TV series.

The women will be prosecuted for crimes including murder, defamation, computer fraud and use of a stolen vehicle, according to reports.

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