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Relatives wearing precautionary protective cases cut the body of a Govt-19 victim to bury him in a cemetery in New Delhi, India in September.  3.
Relatives wearing precautionary protective cases cut the body of a Govt-19 victim to bury him in a cemetery in New Delhi, India in September. 3. Manish Rajput / Sofa Images / Light Rocket / Getty Images

For months, India has been struggling to control International spread of corona virus With limited success.

With a population of 1.3 billion, the country has the second highest number of cases worldwide (over 4.4 million), and the third highest number of deaths (over 75,000). Johns Hopkins University.

But India’s mortality rate, calculated by the number of deaths per 100 confirmed cases – is surprisingly low compared to other countries with high infection rates.

India’s Govt-19 mortality rate is 1.7%. In terms of context, the same rate is said to be 3% in the United States, 11.7% in the UK and 12.6% in Italy Johns Hopkins University.

The Government of India says India’s low mortality rate is a sign of its success in tackling the crisis and has used this figure to support Lifting results Some corona virus controls.

But still Some scientists in India Be warned that the numbers are incomplete and incorrect – and relying on them to reopen the country will only make things worse.

What is behind the numbers?

While the number of corona virus cases in India is on the rise, the mortality rate is declining.

Some experts warn that data experts are full: India has a weak, unfunded public health infrastructure that for many years has failed to accurately record the deaths of its own citizens. Even when India is not facing an epidemic, only 86% of deaths across the country are recorded in government agencies.

India does not count all Govt deaths: There is difficulty in calculating Govt deaths due to inadequate testing and poor medical index. India has stepped up its testing, but it is one of the lowest rates for individual testing in the world. Even if a Covid-19 patient is tested positive before they die, they will not be considered a Covid-19 death if they have other conditions such as diabetes or cancer.

An increase in testing produces a false mortality rate: With more tests, authorities are finding more cases. But the mortality rate is measured by the total number of confirmed cases – so as the number of cases increases, the rate decreases even if the number of deaths remains the same.

Daily deaths are actually increasing: While the death rate is declining, that does not mean the number of deaths is declining. Deaths range from 750 a day in early August to more than 1,000 this week.

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