Kovit: A fine of £ 10,000 for violations of self-isolation

An NHS test and trace worker owns self-testing equipment at a testing center in BoltonImage copyright
B.A. Media

The government says those in the UK who refuse a self-isolation order could face fines of up to $ 10,000.

The new legal obligation requires people to be isolated from September 28 if they are tested positive for the corona virus or found to be closely related.

The new measures include a $ 500 support for low-income earners and fines for employers who punish those who are said to be self-isolated.

It is coming The Prime Minister considers strict restrictions After the increase in cases.

A further 4,422 new Govt-19 cases and 27 deaths Reported Saturday.

There 350 new cases have been reported in Scotland, Maximum daily increase from May, 212 new cases in Wales, And In Northern Ireland222.

Fines initially start at £ 1,000 and rise again to £ 10,000 for offenders, and for “worst offenses”. Until now, counseling for self-isolation has been the only guideline.

Announcing the new rules for the UK, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the best way to fight the virus was for everyone to follow them.

“So no one underestimates how important this is, the new rules mean that if you have a virus or are asked to do so by the NHS Test and Trace you are legally obligated to do so. Individuals who choose to ignore the rules will face significant penalties.

“We must do everything we can to control the spread of this virus, to prevent the most vulnerable people from being infected, to protect the NHS and to save lives,” he said.

At a glance: What are the new rules?

  • Those in the UK are said to be self-isolated by the NHS test and trace face 1,000 fine – up to £ 10,000 for aggravated offenses – If they fail to do so
  • This Including those who test positive And Identified as close contacts Confirmed cases
  • It Including employers Who compels employees to disregard the order of self-isolation
  • NHS will test and trace Regular contact with isolators Check for compatibility
  • Activities Apply by September 28th And will be Operated by police and local authorities
  • Privileges or those on low incomes and unable to work from home You can pay 500 once If self-isolated

Those who attract higher fines are described as those who prevent others from self-isolating, such as an employer who insists that an employee member come to work in violation of an order.

Individuals who fail to isolate themselves for 14 days after returning to the UK from a country not on the list of low-risk countries are subject to a fine.

In Bolton, A returning holidaymaker, who did not isolate himself but instead went to a pub, is somewhat accused To the city spike in cases.

Iron fist in velvet glove

The Prime Minister is concerned that the existing rules are often violated – and frustrated that they are not always effectively enforced.

Four out of five government scientific advisers have suggested that they should be self-isolated or break the rules.

Therefore, fines can be imposed from September 28 in the UK.

But this iron fist is attached to a velvet glove.

Following pilot plans in some parts of Lancashire will benefit those who need to self-isolate or those with low incomes and those unable to work from home will receive a total of £ 500.

Regional political leaders, such as Andy Burnham, the mayor of Greater Manchester, have been pushing for this.

But compliance is not the only issue.

Delays in delivering test results, how quickly victims’ contacts are isolated, even if they want to, or are paid to do the right thing.

Shadow Chancellor Annecy Tots welcomed the “delayed” announcement of additional financial assistance to support those in need of self-isolation.

However, he added that “it should not take many months for low-income people to drop the penny that they need more help.”

The UK government hopes the new measures will be reflected in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland – all of which have the power to set their own corona virus rules.

Officials said the NHS test and trace were in regular contact with self-isolated individuals and suspected that people were not complying with police and local authorities.

Police will check compliance at Govt-19 hotspots and groups considered “high risk”, as well as follow up on reports from members of the public who have tested positive but not self-isolated.

Cases may be pursued in non-compliant “high and excellent” cases.

As with other corona virus rules, there are specific exceptions for those who need to escape illness or harm during isolation and those who need care.

The government says changes to benefits or support for low-income people will initially affect four million people in the UK who are unable to work from home.

A one-time pay of 500 pays $ 95.85 per week, a legally sick pay and an previously announced additional award of சுய 182 for those who claim to be self-isolated in high-risk areas of intervention.

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