Keanu Reeves reveals that he dropped out of reading his favorite Marvel hero: ‘It’s too late’

Nearly 30 years have passed Bill and Ted’s fake trip. The still-named duo have re-entered Bill and Dead Face the Music. Apparently, it was never too late for Alex Winter Kinu Reeves To slip back into the roles that made them popular again in 1989. But in a recent interview, Reeves admits he missed the chance to play his favorite Marvel superhero.

Keanu Reeves at the 92nd Annual Academy Awards
Keanu Reeves at the 92nd Annual Academy Awards | Jeff Gravitz / Film Magic

Keanu Reeves has played many iconic heroes on the big screen

From his outrageous role as Ted “Theodore” Logan Bill and Ted’s best record, Reeves played a ton of action heroes. Point interval, Speed, And The Matrix Which made him one of the leading men in banking in the 1990s. Then, with the unexpected success of Reeves 2014, the industry resurfaced John Wick And its sequels.

At 55, Reeves finds himself again in his action star Hodey. Two more John Wick The sequels are in the works. He will return to Neo in 2022 The Matrix4. But by finding an actor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, can Reeves find out that he will soon be joining MCU?

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The ‘John Wick’ star has always wanted to play this Marvel superhero

In the latest look Sirius XM show Radio Andy, Reeves was asked if there were any roles he had wanted to play in the past. It didn’t take long Bill and Dead Face the Music The star to admit he wants time travel to pick up a particular Marvel strain.

“I always wanted to play Wolverine. Frank Miller’s Wolverine? Of course, ”Reeves said, making it clear which version of the Marvel Comics character he would like. Frank Miller collaborated with Chris Clarmond to give Wolverine his first spin-off comic in the 1980s.

Reeves’ Bill and Ted Co-star Alex Winter jumped in, explaining that it was “not too late” to get Reeves Wolverine. But Reeves seems to have been convinced that he never got the chance to fulfill his Marvel superhero dream. On the contrary, Hugh Jackman gave an iconic twist.

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Is it too late for Reeves to play Wolverine in the Marvel movie?

Reeves says he is “good.” [not playing Wolverine] Now. “But has Wolverine really lost all hope of playing? After all, the MCU is currently without one, and of course should introduce him at some point. Rumors continue to circulate that Marvel Studios is actively pursuing Reeves. Still, Reeves is not interested in another long-term owner commitment.

Still, the actor would be Wolverine’s perfect fit from another timeline, a future version of the character, or a lead in a complete cycle. With John Wick Putting him back on top is an almost inevitable addition to the Reeves current superhero owner. But will Marvel finally find the right character for him, or will DC persuade him? Return as John Constantine?

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