Joking Van Gaal receives more questions about Belgium than about ‘the very energetic United States’

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Will Louis van Gaal be Belgium’s new national coach? This question occupies the international media during the press conference of the preparation of the Orange team against the United States on Saturday in the round of 16 of the World Cup.

“Belgium is a beautiful country, I’ve already thought about it,” Van Gaal annoys the media. After the press conference, he says his quotes about Belgium were intended as a joke.

Van Gaal, now 71, appeared to have been retired for a few years, until last year he took Orange under his wing for the third time. He is once again burning with ambition, with the world championship as his ultimate goal.

The “Team USA” is no longer small

“There are four games left, then we will see if there are any offers,” Van Gaal said. “Team USA” awaits the Round of 16, as he calls it. And that’s nothing in football anymore.

“They are a very energetic team, with physically strong players and it is difficult for any opponent,” explains Van Gaal. “You can see it in the results they got.”

Nevertheless, it soon came to Belgium again, where national coach Roberto Martínez left immediately after the last match after a disappointing group stage exit.

“There are some countries where I won’t go,” Van Gaal is certain, but he clearly hasn’t signed a contract with the Belgian federation yet. “You have to convince my wife Truus,” he jokes. “No, it’s not. I can still make the decisions freely.”

Lack of enthusiasm

Perhaps Van Gaal still believes in the so-called golden generation of Belgians, who are aging now. Just as he continues to believe in the strength of the Dutch national team, while there is still little enthusiasm in the country for the game shown.

“Apparently I’m the only one in the Netherlands who sees this,” Van Gaal sneered when the topic came up. Next to him is Daley Blind, most likely Orange’s left-back on Saturday. Blind nods.

Other parts of the world view his way of working with more respect, according to questions from the international press. But Van Gaal doesn’t seem to be warming up from a distant adventure. “Africa? I don’t think so, but everything has to stay open.

Although he doesn’t want to say much about the upcoming match at the World Cup, Van Gaal still asks that it’s mostly about that during the press moment.

“We have to concentrate,” Van Gaal said. “When I start talking about other countries, the players don’t believe me anymore. It’s already so difficult to convince them.”

Yet Van Gaal is not playing the media game for the first time. He jokes again between the two and even takes the time to take a picture. The line between the serious Van Gaal and the man to be taken with a grain of salt is paper thin.

Afterwards, he admits that a new position as Belgium national coach is really nothing more than a wild rumour. Just as the media spread more untruths, according to him. This excites him, so Van Gaal shows himself from another angle.

“I’m also trying to get people back home to understand that it’s just something outside of that. blue hinin he.”

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