Hubble watches fade into an exploding star

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

The Orion Nebula is 1,500 light-years from Earth Orion belt in the Orion galaxy. It is one of the brightest nebulae – and on a clear, dark night it is visible to the naked eye. The nebula is the region that forms the closest star to Earth.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

The Hubble Space Telescope was launched from the space shuttle Discovery on April 24, 1990.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

Hubble has provided us with many images of our neighbor Mars. This image was taken in 2003, when Mars took its closest approach for nearly 60,000 years. On August 27, 2003, the two worlds were 34.6 million miles from the center. In contrast, Mars may be about 249 million miles from Earth.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

The film was shot by Hubble in 2007 when Canymeet watched Jupiter from below. Ganymede is the largest moon in our solar system, larger than Mercury.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

Hubble captured this image of Saturn in 2004, a very sharp view, visible of some of the planet’s smallest rings.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

Hubble traces clouds over Uranus in this image taken in 1997. Image is a combination of three adjacent infrared images. The rings of the planet are prominent in the nearby infrared. Eight of Uranus’ 27 moons are seen in both images. Uranus is about 1.75 billion miles from Earth.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

Hubble captured this image of the distant blue-green world Neptune in 2005. Scientists used fourteen different color filters to learn more about the Neptune atmosphere. Neptune is about 2.8 billion miles from Earth.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

Hubble discovered four of Pluto’s five moons. In 2005: Knicks and Hydra are discovered. Hubble discovered Kerberos in 2011 and Stykes in 2012. New discoveries were made in 1978 on Pluto’s largest moon, Sharon. In July 2015, Stykes was discovered by scientists using Hubble to search for potential dangers to the Pluto-flying New Horizons spacecraft, which is about 2.9 billion miles from Pluto Earth.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

The iconic Horsehead Nebula is a favorite target of astronomers. Look carefully and you will see that the heads of the horses seem to rise into the stars. This Hubble image captures the nebula at infrared wavelengths. The nebula is 1,600 light years from Earth.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

The cat’s eye nebula is a collection of luminous gases emitted into space by a dying star. This Hubble Space Telescope image shows details of structures including jets of high-velocity gas and abnormal gas. This color image is a combination of three images taken at different wavelengths. The nebula is estimated to be 1,000 years old. It is about 3,000 light years from Earth in the Drago galaxy.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

The bug, or butterfly nebula, looks like a butterfly with its wings extended across the galaxy. It is actually a cloud of gas emitted by a dying star. Scientists say the gas is above 36,000 degrees Fahrenheit and expands into space at over 600,000 miles per hour. This image was taken with Hubble’s Whitefield Camera 3, a camera installed at Hubble in May 2009 when it was upgraded by space astronauts. The nebula in the constellation Scorpius is about 3,800 light-years away.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

Astronomers combined several Hubble images taken in 2014 to create an improved view of Hubble’s iconic 1995 “Pillars of Creation” image. The new picture shows a wide view of the pillars, which are about 5 light years high. These pillars are part of a small part of the Eagle Nebula, about 6,500 light-years from Earth.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

This large nebula is 7,500 light-years from Earth in the galaxy Carina. It is one of the largest and brightest nebulae and is a nursery for new stars. It contains many stars estimated to be at least 50 to 100 times the mass of our Sun, including Etta Karine, one of the brightest known stars and one of the largest stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

The Andromeda Galaxy, one of the closest neighbors to our own Milky Way, can be seen with the naked eye if you know where to look on a clear, dark night. In 2012, scientists using Hubble’s data predicted that Andromeda would collide with the Milky Way in about four billion years. Andromeda is 2.5 million light years from Earth.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

The cigar galaxy is 12 million light years away. It gets its name from its shape: from Earth it looks like an elliptical disk.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

This is called one of the most photosynthetic galaxies: the Sombrero galaxy looks like the gigantic rim of a Mexican cap seated between stars. This can be seen using a small telescope. It is about 28 million light years from Earth.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

These galaxies are about 290 million light-years from Earth. It is named after its inventor, the French astronomer Edward Stephen, who first discovered it in 1877.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

Hubble captured this image of an interactive galaxy called Orb 273. The large galaxy has a central disk that is deformed into a rose-like shape by being pulled from its partner at the bottom.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

In 2004, astronomers released the deepest picture of the universe ever seen. The million-second long exposure known as the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field shows the first galaxies to appear after the Big Bang. The image shows 10,000 galaxies. In 2012, astronomers called the updated image the Hubble Extreme Deep Field. It incorporated 10 years of Hubble Space Telescope photos into the center of the original Hubble Ultra-Deep Field. The new image contains about 5,500 galaxies.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

This 2018 Hubble film shows the chaotic nursery lagoon nebula full of baby stars. At the center of the image, a young star 200,000 times brighter than our Sun explodes with ultraviolet radiation.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

Even the stars like to blow bubbles. This 2016 film shares Hubble’s view of the Bubble Nebula, where a superhot, massive star throws a giant bubble into space. The nebula has been around for 7 light years.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

The cone nebula is the pillar that forms the turbulent star of gas and dust. It is 7 light years long, but this image taken by Hubble in 2002 shows the best 2.5 light years (equivalent to 23 million orbits to the moon). Ultraviolet radiation emits a red glow of hydrogen gas.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

This is a detailed view of the area of ​​a slowly expanding supernova or remnants of an exploding star. Hubble took this image in 2015 of the Veil Nebula, 2,100 light-years away. This star was once 20 times larger than our Sun, but only has the option of gas.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

In 2009, NASA’s Great Observatories, the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescope and the Chandra X-ray Laboratory combined their observational power to create an unprecedented mixed image of our Milky Way galaxy. Infrared and X-ray light captured by telescopes can be seen here. Hubble’s contributions are in yellow, Spitzer’s observations are in red, and Chandra’s are in blue and purple.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

In 2006 Orion teamed up with Hubble Spitzer to create this stunning image of the Nebula. The image combines visible, infrared and ultraviolet light. The community of gigantic stars is marked in yellow at the heart of the film.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

In 2004, Hubble captured this scene of a halo of light extending around the V838 monosauritis star.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

Spiral galaxy near M83, this 2014 Hubble image shows its thousands of stars and supernova remnants. Young stars can be seen in the pink bubbles of hydrogen gas.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

This infrared light image taken by Hubble in 2014 shows the ape-headed nebula, where star birth occurs 6,400 light-years away from us. Dust clouds and glowing gas revolve together here, referring to the materials that make up stars.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

This UV light observation of the giant Etta Carine star was taken in 2019 by Hubble. This star is the largest of the two orbiting each other. The bubbles here testify to the fact that it is known to have violent eruptions.

30 Years of Hubble Telescope Images

The fireworks are even more beautiful in space. In 2015, Hubble captured this image of a giant cluster of 3,000 stars. This is called Westerland 2, which is 20,000 light-years from Earth.

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