How to catch a tonic meteor shower tonight

Explanation for the article entitled How to Catch Tronight Meteor Shower Tonight

Photo: peresanz (Shutterstock)

October is designed to be an ideal month for astronomical events. It’s not just about providing Two chances to see a moonlightIncludes a look Mars also has a few meteor showers in the night sky. If that changes, something is going on this week. Here’s how to catch a Dragonite meteor shower tonight.

What is a Draconite Meteor Shower?

The Draconite meteor shower happens every year, some scenes are more interesting than others. (For example, in 1933, it was seen by visitors in Europe 500 Dragonites Wait a minute.) We’ll never see something like this again, but that does not mean it’s worth it to sneak out tonight to catch a glimpse of some of the shooting stars. Another word for meteorites).

How to see a tracheonite meteor shower

Every year, this meteor shower is active Oct. 6 – 10. Last night, Oct., 7 was initially predicted, Which is a speculation but will peak. YThe chances of seeing some shooting stars tonight are very good. There may be more chances throughout Saturday night, so keep an eye on the sky.

According to Earthsky, Regardless of your location, the best time to see a tracheonite meteor shower is at night or in the evening, of course before midnight. This is because the waning Gibbs Moon (which is about 75% luminous) does not rise from evening to afternoon, Makes it dark at night And increase the chances of seeing the meteorite Display.

Meteor showers are more visible in the northern hemisphere than in the southern hemisphere, although “even in northeastern latitudes, dragonites generally receive very moderate rainfall, providing only an hour’s slow-moving meteorite.” According to EarthSky.

More meteors are to come

If the Draconite meteor shower is not everything you thought it would be (this is a unique possibility), do not worry you will have other opportunities to see the meteor this month. In particular, the Orionites peak Oct. At nights. 20 – 21. Wait: We will give you more astronomy Information Closer to it Date.

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